~List 10 things you want to say to people but you know you never will (because I'm either A. an asshole, B. like keeping things to myself, C. don't wanna put up with the drama, D. have better things to do with my time, E. all of the above)
~Don't say who they are or who you're referring to
~Never discuss it again
~Tag 5 people to do the same
1- I am so envious of you amazing powers of random. I only wish that I could steal them from you. Just like I want to steal Billy Boyd's accent. Your incredible powers of random shall always prevail. I'm also envious of you because you managed to make long speeches for this, while I can't.
2- We all gave up on you eventually. Not that you give a damn. To you we're just annoying little girls who you can't be bothered with. Just when we were becoming friends you went and ditched us.
3- We've been good friends for years, but do you know how hard it is to live in your shadow? You're good at everything. You're athletic, and smart, and creative, and everything that I'm not. But you're a great friend. You put up with me even when I'm at my bitchiest. :)
4- You are a lying bastard. Do you even know what the truth is? All you do is manipulate people and lie to them. I think you need to see a therapist. What is your problem?
5- You are pathetic, retarded, ridiculous, annoying, irritating and everything that people say you are, but somehow you always manage to make me laugh, even when you're being mean. How do you do it? You're seriously hindering me in disliking you.
6- Why do you always have to be so controling? Why do you always have to worry? I don't see why you can't just realise that I'm no longer a little child, and I'm capable of making my own dicisions. You may not always like them, but I'm going to have to someday, and you might as well let me now while you're still there to help me.
7- I don't understand why you think that your sole purpose in existing is to irritate me, because y'know what? it isn't. Why can't you just leave me alone occationally? It really bugs me. No matter how nice I try to be to you, you always manage to overlook it and find something that I've done to annoy you, thus justifying you annoying me.
8- It's kinda scary how much we have in common. We've even got the same birthday. It's just weird, and I know that I'm one of the most annoying kids, but I don't try to be. I don't hink I can help it.
9- You are uber cool. You're like a third parent to me, except cooler than my actual parents (but don't tell them that). You are officially our e-father. you rock!
10- You aren't such a big bitch as you act like sometimes. You can actually be alright sometimes.
yeppy...that's about it, I s'pose... I'm too lazy to write anything super long...
I tag...
tiella and