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Feb 02, 2006 17:31

MungBeing Quiz Number 006: Your Body

Being realistic, like you are, can often be depressing.
You can read the signs but you will not reveal the truth.
Your hair is pretty.
A friendly hand upon your waist / a slender hand, a slender wrist.
Your body is the most beautiful body you have.
Your politics get you into trouble.
Your illness will leave you soon.
Twisting and turning can be eliminated with a steadfast plan.
You can see that a blemish does not enhance but rather distracts from the whole.
Your realistic fantasy world is an arm's length away. Grab it!
touch my spir-it-u-aaaa-lity / Tongue and groove fealty.
Linear thought means nothing to you!
Urban living can be quite taxing. Be thankful for what you have.
Your judgement may be impaired but your zeal is not.

Results: 813 (59)

MungBeing Answer: The clouds gather tight and the flowers burst in rhythm.
Take the MungBeing Quiz Number 006 yourself!
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