sicksicksicksicksicksicksicksicksicksicksicksickannoyedsicksick yuck i fixed my bag up good and I patched the holes, maybe i'll get a pocketzz but, I don't know. My contacts are sorta blurring my vision up. Yuck. again I feel a pain in my stomach and I don't know what that means. But I have uber hw to do asap. yesss, acronym psudonym and psudopods.
My mom phrased it as having a meltdown. She said I have to take an inventory of my life. I have to think about what I can and can't handle
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I went midnight bowling last night. I went to sleep at four and woke up and 11:30 and went bowling. It was weird. We were out until 2:30 then I slept on Erin's floor. She went to work and I got a ride home arount 12-ish
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