World War II was caused by Great Depression. The Great Depression was caused by the large amount of war costs, from World War I. With the sudden collapse of the New York Stock Market, Germany lost all of its little support. Then because of the sudden collapse of the New York Stock Market, the American investors recalled their short-term loans from Germany. Which caused export and production numbers to decrease. Within three years the unemployed numbers rose from one million to six million (This is one fourth of the working population.) During this time The German government was unable to solve any of its increasing number of problems; unemployment, industrial slump, and inflation.
Due to all the unsolved problems, Germany was stuck in, they had one more major problem, and its people began to lose faith in the democratic republic. Within six years the Middle Class had been hit with two economic collapses. With lost faith in democratic republic the people turned to the Nazi and Communist parties who appealed to the people because of promises of industry, advancement and normality. In the election in September 1930, the Nazi party got 6.5 million votes, and took 107 seats in Reichstag and becoming the second largest party. The Communist party got 4.5 million votes and 77 seats. Social Democrats remained the largest party, but had lost much of its popularity and support. Dr. Bruning, who was a member of the Catholic Centre Party and the Chancellor from 1930 until 1932, could not rule without issuing Emergency Decree. The reason for this was the Republican coalition did not have majority in Reichstag. The poor ruling achieved by Dr. Bruning caused his governmental party to be very unpopular. The unpopularity was made clear in the 1932 presidential elections. The Republican Coalition needed to increase popularity and to do so they sent Hindenburg. Hindenburg won in the presidential election with nineteen million votes, and he was re-elected. Hitler also tried for position as president, and got thirteen and a half million votes. Hindenburg blamed the unpopularity of the government on Dr. Bruning, and in June 1932 Von Papen was appointed to become the new chancellor. Papen tried to his party majority over other parties in Reichstag by having two elections. The first one did worse than fail it doubled the votes for the Nazi party, giving the Nazi’s 230 seats. In Papen’s second election the Communists were the ones who gained vote this, giving them 100 seats. The Nazi’s were let with 196 seats, losing almost two million votes. Businessmen and Landlord became alarmed when the Bolshivek Revolution began. The conservative nationalists thought that their cause would be served by supporting Hitler. Von Papen made a political bargain with Hitler, both of which wanted the communists out of the country. This political bargain entailed that Hitler would became Chancellor and Von Papen would become Vice-Chancellor. Hindenburg readily agreed to this bargain, because the Nazis appeared to be the only well-supported right-winged party that could protect Germany from the communists. On January 28, 1933, Hindenburg offered for Hitler to become Chancellor. Within eighteen months Hitler was able to pull all the power into his hands. With this new power, Hitler set-up an election so he could make a pro-Nazi majority, in the Reichstag. Hitler appointed Goering as Minister of Interior of Prussia and ordered the S. A. and S. S. to attack all anti-Nazi parties. On 27 February, the Reichstag building was burned down and the Communists were accused. Under the guise of defending Germany from an alleged Communist Revolution, Hitler asked President Hindenburg for emergency power. During the Red Peril, President Hindenburg signed a decree taking away civil liberties that were guaranteed under the Weimar Constitution. The Germans had no personal liberties, no freedom of speech or assembly, and definitely no freedom of expression. They were subject to house searches and arrests, and then they would be tried by the People's Courts. Hitler used this emergency power to arrest at least five thousand Communist officials. In the next Reichstag election the Nazis were able to ban Communist and Socialist newspapers. The Nazis also took over the radio and broadcasted Nazi propaganda. Nazi Storm-troopers were sent to march along the streets to influence the election. Oddly enough in these conditions less than one half of the electorate voted for Hitler, and only with the aid of the Nationalists was Hitler able to gain majority in Reichstag. Bad results would not stop Hitler from attempting to destroy the Weimar Constitution. Hitler wanted all legislative power transferred from Reichstag to him, but a change in the constitution would require a two-thirds majority in Reichstag before they would become effective. So Hitler arrested, excluded, or by some other way took out 81 communists, he also bribed the Nationalist and Centre Party. In March, the Nazis were able to out vote the Social Democrats 444 to 94, over the Enabling Bill, which would give Hitler total power. From that point on Hitler could draft and pass any laws without the Reichstag. There was no more German Constitution.
Hitler lost no time in consolidate his position. The Law of Reconstruction of the Reichstag abolished the state legislatures and subordinated them to the central government in Berlin. The Trade Union offices were raided by the S.A. and S.S. the Communist base of support was destroyed. On July 14, 1933, all political parties except the Nazi Party were declared illegal!
After the anti-Nazi parties were suppressed, Hitler began to deal with his political rivals, within the Nazi party. Roehm, Chief of Staff of the S.A., was Hitler's major political rival. Roehm differed from Hitler in three major ways. Roehm thought that the S.A. had helped bring power to the Nazis. He thought that Hitler should reward the S.A. with government jobs. Also, Roehm wanted the S.A. and the army to be combined to make one National-Socialist People's Army. Lastly Roehm was interested in the socialist aspect of the party’s itinerary which Hitler advocated in his rise to power. He wanted Hitler to take property away from the rich people of Germany. Roehm had command two million Storm-troopers. This was a huge threat to Hitler’s political position. So Hitler got rid of the S.A. On June 30, 1934, tons of S.A. leaders were killed and many others that Hitler saw as a political threat. Two major persons who were killed were Gregor Strasser and General Von Schleicher. About two hundred died in all. Hitler had now achieved party solidarity. Nothing could stop him. President Von Hindenburg died in August of 1934. Hitler then announced that he would combine the offices of President and Chancellor for himself. He then used his combined title, ‘Fuehrer and Reichskangler’ or Leader and Reich Chancellor). Army officers then took an oath of allegiance to Hitler. Hitler's dictatorship was now complete.
Hitler wanted to bring the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church under his control. In July 1933, Hitler signed a concordat with the Vatican, which would recognize the new regime and renounced all activity except that of a purely religious kind in Germany. In return, Hitler guaranteed the Catholic Church many of its historic rights, including the right to control local schools. Hitler quickly broke his promise. In 1937, resenting the Nazis interference with the Catholic control over education, the Pope issued the "With Burning Sorrow" which condemning the Nazi doctrine of state and racial superiority. From 1937 on, Catholics showed resistance to the Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church. Dealing with the Protestant Church, the Nazis found one supporter, Pastor Ludwig Muller. He was appointed by the Nazis to become Evangelical Bishop of the German Reich. Muller changed Christian teachings in line with Nazi ideas. Protestants who did not follow these teaching were sent to concentration camps. Hitler had strong anti-Semitic for Jews. Starting April 1933, Jews were dismissed from public service, universities and other professions. During September of 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were issued. Theses Laws in effect would deprive Jews of German citizenship and forbid them to marry Aryans. Jews were excluded from participation in the German political and cultural life. Severe hardships were inflicted on Jews in their daily life, one example it that the Jews were forced to sit in different seats on the bus. As time went on, these conditions the Jews had to deal with became worse and worse. They had property confiscated, personal liberties removed and were constantly in danger. It was estimated that 6 million Jews were killed during Nazi ruling. On September 1 of 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. Britain and France then declared war on Germany two days later. In 1940, Churchill became the Prime Minister of Britain. British Expeditionary Force was evacuated from Dunkirk. In 1941 Hitler began operation Barbarossa. At the same time the Blitz continued in Britain’s major cities. Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and the United States enters the war. Singapore fell to the Japanese in February in 1942 they took 25,000 prisoners. The American Naval victory at Battle of Midway, in June, marked a turning point in the war. In 1942, the mass murdering of the Jews began at Auschwitz. In 1943, The Germans surrendered at the battle of Stalingrad, marking Germany’s first major defeat. Also Italy surrendered, and Germany took over the battle. In Burma the British and Indian forces fought the Japanese. In 1944, Soviet offensive gathered pace in Eastern Europe. D Day: The Allied invasion of France. Paris is liberated in August. In 1945, Auschwitz liberated by Soviet troops. Russians reached Berlin and Hitler committed suicide on May 7 of 1945. Also Truman becomes President of the United States because of Roosevelt’s death, and Attlee replaces Churchill. Also the tragic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima occurred, which caused Japan to surrender on August 14th.
Off to do more f*ing homework... I will prevail... I will go to Fanime... (I have to finish all my home work before i can go to fanime) AND I WILL SAY...OWARIMASU!