Title: Unknown White Male - EPILOGUE
Author: dak
Word Count: 448 words
Rating: white cortina
Warnings: mild swearing
Summary: AU. Sam woke up with amnesia when he landed in 1973, able to only remember his name, and ended up in the grasp of Stephen Warren. This is how it happened.
A/N: So, I had to write a little extra something just to remind me how the story ends. I'm posting it separate from the last part only because it spoils the ending of The Kept Man, and I didn't want to spoil it for anyone who was still thinking about reading it. So, I guess it could be considered an epilogue for both stories. (It IS white cortina. I swear!)
The Kept Man Unknown White Male: Part 1 Unknown White Male: Part 2 “Shit,” Gene sighed, slowly exhaling his cigarette smoke. “No wonder you shot the bastard.” He stubbed the butt out in the ash tray and immediately lit another. It had taken him several weeks and a bevy of alcohol to pry the uncensored truth straight from Tyler’s mouth, but now he wasn’t sure if it wouldn’t have been better to have left the situation alone.
“Yeah,” Sam replied weakly, his face taking on the same chilling, blank expression that came with every flashback. At least by now, Gene knew how to pull him out of it.
“Sam?” He placed his hand on his deputy’s shaking shoulder. “You know where you are, yeah? In me kitchen?” He didn’t ever know if it was what he said, or just his voice, but whatever it was always brought him back.
“Sorry. I’m fine. I’m...better. Really.”
“Yeah. It, you know, it feels good to talk about it. Get it all out.” Sam shook his head and tried to smile at his Guv.
“ ‘S late,” Gene reminded them both, seeing the tired look in Tyler’s eyes. “You’ve got to wake early. Pick up Dickie Fingers. Best get you home, eh?” Gene squeezed his shoulder gently.
“Actually, I’d rather stay here, if you don’t mind.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, a clear sign one of his migraines was coming on.
“Okay,” Gene nodded. “But only if you cook us some breakie in the morning.”
“I’m not your wife,” Sam sighed.
“Gee, I hadn’t noticed, Gladys. What should’ve been me first clue? Your obvious lack of decent tits?”
“Picky pain.”
“What? No rent boy taunts?” Sam mocked tiredly.
“No, Sam,” Gene replied seriously. “Not tonight.”
“Thanks,” Sam looked up and smiled. Gene could tell it was genuine this time, and sent Sam one of his own rarely used grins.
“Get some kip,” he nodded towards the staircase. “I’ll sleep on the couch. See yeh in the morning.”
Sam nodded and left the table, neither of them needing to glance at the clock to know how late it really was.
“Yes, Guv?” He yawned.
“Do I really look that bad in me bathing suit?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Gene,” Sam smiled and heaved his weary body up the stairs. “Though, I may have to see that particular bit of history repeated,” he called back.
“Tart,” Gene smirked and grumbled as he watched him go, knowing sadly that the nightmares would be fierce tonight, knowing he’d be there if Sam needed him, and now finally knowing just how bad things had been for the strange DI from “Hyde.” Maybe one day Sam would trust him enough to explain all that as well.