I have risen up. She who tore me down was my savior. I have risen and she has remained immersed. So

Nov 06, 2005 22:46

So, as it turns out I am a full fledged fan-girl. I hate to say it, but I woke up this morning and was happy. Too happy. Why? It is Grey's Anatomy day. Also, I am thrilled. Why? Because Izzy got her elusive goodnight kiss. I have been waiting three weeks for it, and it is here. And it was perfect. Such a good kiss, I quite nearly passed out. And the cute girl in the wheelchair? As if she would have ANY problems getting dates? In real life, she could ensnare me. I would have started shaking if she had asked ME for a kiss.... But no, there was no kiss. I suppose I just wanted Alex to kiss her for me. But then again, what if anyone had seen? And I guess his new cred would have been just a pinch marred. Oh, and by the way, it is no secret how pissed I am at "McDreamy" for his horrible decision. HEY... CHOOSE MERIDETH... NO other option. Although, I guess now George can have his chance with her... except, as much of a George enthusiast as I am, him dating her would be a horrible plot direction. I just can't see them together. He needs to go back to Syph chick... what happened to her anyway? I say she needs to be a full time character... she was cute.

Anyway, other than the lie that this would be about little updates (hint:look at previous GIANT update), I think I will give you a couple blurbs.

So, I have decided that Highschool is no more for me. I am done with it... damn Anatomy, if not for you I would NEVER go to school.

I am a bad kid now, did you know that? I hung out with some friends the other day and had about five shots of different types of alcohol. Then I got handcuffs stuck on my wrist, Real policia ones. Then I had them cut off. Then I went back to school for third hour. So, my second hour class sucks, maybe it is a bad time to take a couple shots? Beyond that, I didn't get drunk at all, mildly buzzed if anything, and my friends who took less where falling down stairs... quite literally. I have quit the alcohol tolerance, and it is kind of funny.

I ditch class like crazy.

I still get A's and B's.

I am in CP classes.

It is sooooo enjoyable.

Well, what else? Oh yeah, I have evolved into a newer thing today. I don't know what, but emotionally. It is like, I was a lizard, and then I grew some bitchin' wings. But emotionally. I know that was a lame simile, but I am tired....

I am working on my Drama piece for the speech meet this saturday, I am doing Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk (yes, that guy who wrote fight club.) and it will be splended. Especially because my coach wants me to compete so badly that she is buying a copy of the book for me and has offered to practically write my intro for me. I denyed that, I have ideas of my own for that. It is nice being the only member on a team of about ten that has knowledge of EVERY event. I can pretty much ace pieces, I just need to stop being lazy and memorize one for once. Fuck congress, this is my interp year.

BTW Li, you should let me know how you managed to judge meets, when I am in college I wish to do the same.

Should I kill this entry? Maybe... maybe I could keep it going... but no. I am tired. My arm hurts like hell. I am going to sleep.

p.s. Fuck. Sorry, this entry was just to bleeding pure.

wake up.
wake up.
wake up.
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