
Feb 05, 2005 07:45

I deleted a few people off my friends list. If I took you off and you want to stay/be added back, comment. If you don't want to be on my friends list anymore, comment. I don't even need a reason why you don't want to be on anymore, just tell me, and I'll remove you.


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Comments 4

___stay February 5 2005, 09:17:14 UTC
please dont take me off, you dont know me personally, but i like reading your journal. :o)

sorry about that sh*t with your boyfriend,
thats gotta suck.


lifeisjust__ February 5 2005, 10:32:16 UTC
Sure, I'll keep you <3


nannerskins February 10 2005, 11:13:43 UTC
mmmeeee tooo please! i was never on your list but now i would like to be :o)


lifeisjust__ February 10 2005, 11:47:49 UTC
Alright, definitely. I'll add you to my new journal's friends list (x_imaginexx)



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