blah fuck blah.
Name?: Lauren
Middle Initial?: R.
Last Name?: Haynes
Age?: almost 16
Age you wish you were?: 18
Birthday?: June 12, 1989
Zodiac Sign?: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: snake, i think
Where were you born?: Maryland
Where are you currently living?: Charlotte
Gender?: female
Are you in school?: yes.
If YES, then what is the name of your school?: north meck
What grade are you in?: 10th
Height?: 5'4 or something
Hair Color?: blonde, black, whatever
Hairstyle?: layered, a little past shoulder length
Eye Color?: blue/green
Do you wear glasses?: no
Do you wear contacts?: nope
Are you hot?: well duh
Do other people think you're hot?: i don't know?
This OR That
Hot/Cold?: cold, especially when i'm sleeping
Straight/Gay/Bi?: straight
Pepsi/Coke?: pepsi
Rock/Rap?: rock, all the way.
XBox/Gamecube?: xbox i guess?
Night/Day?: night.
Summer/Winter?: summer
Spring/Autumn?: spring
Drinking/Smoking?: both
Wal-Mart/Target?: target
Girls/Boys?: boys
Chocolate/Vanilla?: chocolate
Black/White?: white
Blonde/Brunette?: blondes have more fun ;)
School/Work?: work, you get paid, duh.
Magazines/Books?: magazines
Music/TV?: music
CD's/Radio?: cd
IM/Text Messaging?: either
Walking/Driving?: driving. i'm lazy
Breakfast/Dinner?: dinner
Basketball/Baseball?: baseball, they wear tight pants.
Football/Soccer?: football, soccers gay.
Red/Blue?: carolina blue!
Homecoming/Prom?: prom, 2 more weeks! :)
City/Country?: suburbs
Fourwheelers/Motorcycles?: fourwheelers.
Real World/Road Rules?: real world, i can't stand road rules
MTV/VH1?: vh1
Ice Cream/Popsicles?: either
Pen/Pencil?: pen
McDonalds/Burger King?: burger kind
Dairy Queen/Baskin Robbins?: DQ, though i haven't been to Baskin Robbins in a super long time
Fries/Tator Tots?: fries
Email/IM?: IM
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no.
Are you in love?: no.
Do you have a crush?: i have a few.
What's their name?: psh, like i'm going to put it on here for the whole world to see.
Are you single?: yessir :/
If no, how long have you been together? n/a
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: hair, style, eyes, smile
Biggest turn on?: sincerity, honesty, nice smile, etc.
Biggest turn off?: obesity, stanky-ness haha
First boy/girlfriend?: chris fields. aww
Ever made out with a stranger?: haha uhh, steven at the beach lol, though i wasn't doing much of the kissing
Ever made out with a friend?: haha yes.
Ever watch porn?: i have before
1. What do you think of the way you look?: it could improve
2. What do you think about your attitude?: psh, i ain't got no attitude, bitch.
3. What do you think about life after death?: after death, you're dead.
4. What do you think about karma?: what goes around comes around, bitch.
5. What do you think about love?: don't even get me started
6. What do you think about fate?: i strongly believe in it. i believe that everything happens for a reason and there are certain things that you are supposed to accomplish and do in your life
7. What do you think about yourself?: eh. i'm a bitch, enough said.
8. What do you tell yourself if times get hard?: things will get better, sometimes i know they just can't get any worse.
9. What would you give your life for?: my grandma, if only she was still here :(
10. What do you think about your first love?: i miss him. :(
11. What do you think about the first person that loved you?: same.
12. What are you scared of?: being alone, losing the ones i love
13. What was the saddest moment of your life so far?: when my grandma died.
14. What would life be without friends?: nothing.
15. Without family?: nothing
*The Dream Side of You*
1.Do you dream a lot at night?: yes.
2.Do you dream in black and white, or color?: color.
3.Do you remember any of your dreams?: yes, last night i met paris hilton!! ah, it was awesome.
4.Where is your dream make out spot?: in the rain, in a tropical place
5.What is your dream kiss like?: in the rain, romantic
6.What is your dream job?: photographer or a therapist
7.Where is your dream house?: maryland i suppose
8.Where is your dream vacation?: somewhere in europe or some place tropical.
9.Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul?: uhh, not really
1.Parents names: robert and nora
2.Do you live with both of them?: 50/50
3.Any siblings? Josh
4.Do you get along with your siblings?: sometimes
5.Do you get along with your parents?: not so much with my mom, but with my dad for the most part
*Do you...*
1.Do you write in a journal or diary?: LJ, and in a real diary sometimes
2.Do you keep an organizer?: my agenda
4.Do you believe that every person has one soul mate: somewhat, not really though.
5.Do you believe in God?: i believe in a higher power, not necessarily "God"
6.Do you believe in everyone (even the beyond helpless)?: not really?
7.Do you believe in having a good education?: yes.
8.Do you believe in horoscopes?: not really
9.Do you believe in yourself?: sometimes
10.Do you shower daily?: no, only once a month, duh.
11.Do you like this survey so far?: i suppose.
13.Do you cry easily?: yes
14.Do you believe in Heaven?: not really
15.Do you believe in hell?: no
16.Do you believe in reincarnation?: not really.
1.favorite day of the week: Friday, Saturday
2.favorite ice-cream: Confetti Cake from Dan's house, or basically anything with chocolate.
3.favorite movies: Saw, Eternal Sunshine, Mean Girls, Cinderella
4.favorite actors: Johnny Depp!
5.favorite actresses: Jennifer Aniston
6.favorite quote: none
7.favorite songs: too many.
8.favorite music groups: From First to Last, A Thorn for Every Heart, My Chemical Romance, etc.
9.favorite music singers: Madonna, Blondie, Cyndi Lauper
10.favorite holiday: Christmas, bitch.
12.favorite colors: pink, yellow, turquoise.
13.favorite flowers: roses.
14.favorite book: Silence of the Lambs
15.favorite school subject: LUNCH.
*Which of your Friends*
1.Who is your overall top of the line best friend?: Danielle, Caitlin
2.Who is your 2nd best friend?: Stacy
3.Who is your 3rd best friend?: Amanda
4.Who is your 4th best friend?: Allie
5.If there are anymore, you can list them here: haha, no thanks.
6.Is the funniest: Danielle
7.Do you tell your dreams to: Danielle.
8.Do you tell your fears to: Dan, Stacy, Cait, etc.
9.Do you go to for advice: Dan
10.Have you dreamt about: Caitlin hahah
11.Knows everything about you: Dan, and my therapist lol
12.Do you tell your secrets to: my best friends :)
13.Is the most shy: Allie
14.Is the loudest: Danielle, fo sho.
15.Can't you live without: ANY OF MY FRIENDS
16.Is the most trendy: Stacy is tres "trendy" haha
17.Can be the most annoying: no comment.
18.Lives the farthest away from you: my lover. no names ;)
19.Lives closest to you: Allie boo!
20.Are you most like: Dan and Stace
21.What do you look for in a friend?: humor, honesty, fun, etc,
1.boyfriend/girlfriend's name: psh.
3.where does that special someone live?: in never never land
4.things you like in the opposite sex: humor and honesty.
5.when was your first kiss: eww
6.are you a virgin: yessir.
7.which is more important- personality or looks?: personality.
*Creative Q's*
1.If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why?: walk on the moon!
2.What color do you think best describes you and why?: YELLOW. it's bright and awesome, duh.
3.If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing: eating since i have to babysit soon
4.Would you ever share you heart completely with someone else? no, i have problems trusting people and i'm afraid of getting hurt.
5.Which sense could you not live without, and why?: touch. i'm touchy i guess?
6.Have you ever written on a mirror? If so what did you write?: i write on mine all the time. it says when i'm going to die lol
7.If you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why?: augh don't ask
8.Do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed indoors?: inside, i hate bugs.
9.What is the most beautiful thing in the world?: love.
10.Name one person whose changed your life for the better: Caitlin.
12.If you knew you were going to pass away within the next few days, what would be the last thing you say, and who would you say that to?: i would tell EVERYONE that i loved them.. and call my ex :/
13.What is one thing that can make you smile no matter what mood your in?: weed. haha
14.If you could meet anyone, past or present, dead or alive, who would you meet and why?: Paris Hilton, i love her.
15.And finally, what makes you you?: uhh..
that took me 45 minutes.
annnnd i have to leave to babysit in 20 minutes.
another waste of time spent :)