Sep 07, 2002 22:26
i just found out my parent's friend shot himslef in my old house . .
my parents waited till we moved to tell me
i feel ..wierd
Sep 05, 2002 17:30
HAPPY late B-DAY CARI and WENDI ! ! <333
on another note i hate high school .
ms marshall is meeeeaaaaaaaaannnnnnn!
g2g do my fucking hw since i have so mch
Aug 29, 2002 13:56
omg my fuckng computr is as slow as a grandpa!!!
dose n e one else's computer take an hour to keep reloading and reloading it to just logout ? and it still doesnt work after u reload for the millionth time.
fucking fagggg
yay im going shopping today
too bad it wont let u do a pretzal-heart on a lj..
friday = lauren, lizzy, cari, amc
Aug 20, 2002 15:43
i gotta swansons dinner in the freezer with your name on it
Aug 11, 2002 14:46
does anyone know how to upload a user pic ??
Aug 06, 2002 19:57
umm nevermind \/ < ( arrow pointing down )