So, Juno was really good. It was worth staying up this late to see.
Work has been increasingly more enjoyable lately. Someone bought 6 bottle of water yesterday, and I had the privilege of telling him "that'll be 24 dollars."
2008 is going to bring so much change. Lets just hope its the good kind.
I have been working so much lately. People need to stop going to see movies so much. I'm missing out on so much fun during the break (ex: christmas, new years eve, parties, hanging out with friends, having a life). My next day off is wednesday, so I'm really wanting to do something. Anyone interested?
So, my first shift at the rave was tonight. It went pretty well. The people seem pretty cool, but my feet are killing me. I'll get use to it
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Say by John Mayer is becoming a favorite of mine really quickly. Why does he write such damn pretty songs? I wish that one day I will be half as talented as that man. I'm such a dork
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