Alex wanted to turn 3 at the zoo! He's been talking about it for weeks.
We woke up to rain, rain, and Alex singing "I turn 3 at the zoo, at the zoo, at the!".
After a few people called to cancel because of the rain we briefly thought about switching the party to an indoor location. We asked Alex what he thought about this plan and his reply was "I TURN 3 AT THE ZOO! TODAY!!"
And by golly that's what he did!
When we first arrived we weren't sure what to do, our hopes of a nice, dry, sunny picnic was not going to happen. We found a hut that was dry but only big enough for 3 or 4 people. We checked out the elephant house and while dry it was stinky. Finally, Jason found a restaurant and asked the manager if we could have our party there! It worked out perfect! We were able to have our party and as soon as we were done the rain went away so we were able to see all the animals!
I didn't take a lot of photos because I was busy, but here are a few.
3 Today! At the zoo!
Thank you Lorraine, Callum, Niamh, Shannon, Big Jared, Amy, Susan, Alma, Hugh, Alex2, Scott, and Octavia for joining us!!!!!
Big Jared and Little Jarod
Visiting the animals! It was so cute...every time an animal came up to Alex and made a noise he would laugh and say "The monkey/elephant/gopher said HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!"
Alex was not interested in being is his stroller so Rebecca talked Jarod into pushing her around. lol We finally had to veto the idea after he crashed her into the bushes going down a steep hill. lol
Goodbye zoo, thank you letting me turn 3 with you!!!!
And thank you to everyone who sent cards, gifts, ecards, called with birthday wishes, and everything else to help Alex turn 3! He says a big "Thank you!".