While it will be nice to get back to America, to a world I know, there will be things I miss about the UK. Oh yes there will be. (I wish I could combine the best of both worlds....United Kingdom of America? Anyone wanna start a new country with me?)
(Yeah, I'm just rambling here.....avoiding the packing and all.)
(And obviously, this is just my experience. Others may differ from mine.)
*Love the people. The culture here is so different; accepting and open minded and non-judging. I love that you can just be whoever you are. Love that people can express themselves however they choose and it's ok. For example no one cares what your style is - I see bankers and business people and doctors at work with tattoos, piercings, and body art or dyed hair. You don't see that very much in the states, at least where I'm from.
Love that people have less material possessions, less stuff. The almighty dollar (or pound rather) doesn't control their life... live life more simple, enjoy the time you have, don't sweat the little things. Everyone is so much more laid back here. If you have what you need no worries. Don't have to keep buying more and better.
You don't need a nicer, bigger car - if the one you have gets you from point A to point B - you're good to go. My friend Seamus was telling me that he always got his money's worth out of his cars, loved his junkers. Said one time he was driving down the road, hit a bump and the whole engine came out of the car and plopped onto the road! (This was in the 70s)Up the road was a pig farmer who said he could fix it and to come back the next day. He went back and the pig farmer told him it was a rough job but he got it done and charged him 12 pounds. Seamus drove it off just fine!
Love that you are not looked down upon for whatever job you have. It's just not an issue, no one here has ever asked me what I do as it doesn't matter. Outside aspects of your life don't reflect on who you are - your job, how much money you have, how your dress ect. None of this takes away or adds to what you are inside. People here want to get to know YOU, who YOU are inside. It's refreshing. I learned so much about who and what I am because I was allowed to just be.
Love how caring and heartfelt people are. And open and sincere.
Love that people talk freely about everything. Nothing is taboo, nobody gets offended about little things. It's life, you talk about it - using whatever words are needed to get your point across.
No arbitrary rules making you hold back what needs to be said.
*Love the national heath care. Love that I never had to worry about myself or my family at all. Loved living in a society that cares about ALL it's people - not just the ones that can pay. Loved that when you go to your appointment you are always seen on time, never had to wait at all. I was confused the first time I went to the clinic because there were no magazines or toys....now I know why - there is no need for them. Love that the doctors here use a lot of natural treatments. (They don't even sell rubbing alcohol here - only use tea tree oil.)Love that there is so much preventive health. Never needed it but love that homebirth and midwives are also covered.
*Love that everyone uses cloth bags here. In the states I was usually the only person in the store who used them, has been nice to be in the normal range at something, for once. haha
*Love that the foods are preservative and dye free. Didn't have to worry about what Jarod ate, didn't have to check every single thing before he could put it in his mouth. (There is NO reason the states can't do this! It's even the same companies! American companies sell their products here but make them additive free for the UK!)
*Love all the family friendly festivals. Seems like every weekend there is some event to take the kids to. Love all the free summer and after school programs for all kids that takes them on trips ect. They do a lot for kids and families here.
*Being able to order my groceries online and have them delivered to my door! Don't have to go to the store, put items in my cart, put them on the counter, put them in my cart, put them in my car, take them out of my car inside. Nope. Just place my order online and have someone else do it all. Your account online saves everything so you can order your favorites again. You get your order the next day or can order weeks in advance. And it only cost 3 pounds. Love it! Easier to stick to your budget too!
*More of a city thing but I'm going to miss public transportation. Trains, buses, and cabs are nice to have on hand. Especially the trains!
*Love that there are more vegetarians here - in fact most of the people I know here are veggies. There are so many more products for vegetarians, even candy like Skittles and Starbursts are vegetarian. (In the states they are not.)
*Diversity. There are soooo many different races here. Indian, Asian, Turkish, Polish, Romanian....the kids have learned a lot about other cultures. Love hearing all the different accents in the street. And trying all the foods.
*Have to say it again. I love the people! I am going to miss my friends sooooo much!!! :-(
I want to gather them all up and take them with me! I can't believe how in just a year I've connected with them so much, feel like I've known them since forever. I am so horribly sad at the thought of leaving them.
Belfast will always be my "home away from home". Though I did get homesick and had a lot of hard adjustments, I still fell in love with this city. I would never want to live here permanently, but I would love someday to be able to travel freely back and forth between here and the states, a cottage on the coast perhaps- there are lots of nice beaches near Belfast. (Since we're talking fantasy here...let's go all out and say: Belfast in the summer, Arkansas in the Spring and Fall, and Florida in the winter?)
*Oh and I never thought I'd say this but I'm going to miss the chips! Did you know they are fresh? Fresh potatoes, fried to perfection! They grew on me! (Taste nothing like the French Fries back home. yech)
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more but that will do for now.