There aren't enough middle fingers to express how I feel right now!

Dec 03, 2003 03:25

I haven't updated in awhile for a couple of reasons...

on the positive side:
I got my new apartment and have been decorating it and it is SO super sweet! (move in friday!!!)

and on the more negative and perplexing side:
I got fucking fired from my job today!
(so who is taking me out and getting me drunk ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

vkellogg December 3 2003, 00:37:47 UTC
I'm sorry darlin'. I'm losing my job on the 31st too. What a way to bring in the new year. Things'll work out for the both of us though. Here's lookin' at you, Kid.


____dean December 3 2003, 09:39:54 UTC
good luck with the job hunt darlin.



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