(no subject)

Oct 14, 2003 16:00

dear God, i either need to shut this thing down, or learn to take the time to update more.... but i suppose the real "problem" is trying to figure out exactly what ill be taking time away from... i dont do much anymore.
oh well. youll have that.

i had a run in with death this past week. see... when i went to the doctor about a month ago, to figure out what was wrong with me.... she came up with this utterly amazing idea to put me on the depo-provera shot in order to "fix" whats going on inside of me. this is after she had to convince me that it was okay to do so. ive heard the horror stories of girls who have taken the plunge with the shot... and i wasnt down for it. but eventually, we came to the conclusion that my body is so fucked up anyway, that the horror stories of massive bleeding and cramps wouldnt happen for me. that it would just sort of regulate things. BULLSHITBULLSHIT. the girl disease came, and she came with a vengence.
for the past 10 days, i have been making out my last will and testament. i didnt think it was possible for a body to feel this way. it wasnt constant though, id allow myself to be fooled into thinking i was "okay" and then minutes later, all hell breaks loose again. cramps, massive blood-loss, dizziness, nausea (sp?), etc. at one point, i got so dizzy in the shower that i slipped and hit my head. no fun.
and thats not to mention the emotions running wild. one minute, id be crying, the next screaming at the first person who came into my line of vision. raging bitch doesnt even begin to cover it.
i was starting to get.. concerned and thats just to say the least. thank goodness for wikidogre and this ability to put up with me.. AND take care of me. as of this moment, it seems things are looking up, and ill be back to my 'normal' self again. which means ill be able to do more than lay around and cry because my insides hurt. yay to that.
was supposed to go to dinner and a haunted house with coldricepudding and gemini1681 saturday evening, which didnt happen, due to above rant. saddened and angry i was. sorry guys. please dont hate me.
for halloween, im seriously considering being kelly osbourne. i figure, itll be easy enough.. and a reason to dye my hair fun colors again. however, people are gonna take one look and say "oh, you dyed your hair back pink. big deal." oh well, youll have that. ive never really gotten into the entire dressing up for halloween thing, which is why most years, i end up being an angel. its easy. anything complicated? far too much effort.
am currently on vacation. love it. the girls got threatened with write-ups if they called me for ANYTHING. its nice. though a bit... boring? we'll be headed to toledo this weekend, which is yay. and then on sunday, it looks as if we are going to ren fair. so itll be good times. good times, i say.
got my ass chewed out from the boys, for being a "bad friend." apparently, because i have no desire to go waste money on shitty clubs serving watered down liquor -- and thats all they want to do -- this makes me a bad friend. if this is true, so be it. if it makes me a snob, and old before my time, let it. ill take conversation over loud music any day.
though i dont like being called a bad friend. that makes me sad.
i think my parents are attempting to make up for their severe lack of judgment... mom called the other day and asked if i wanted a new computer for christmas. now, every other year, when ive asked, theyve told me it was too expensive. thinking they are feeling a little guilty. i said no. but i did say id take a king size mattress and box-springs instead. hoping i get that.
saw 'school of rock' a few weekends ago. very good. want to see 'lost in translation'. and the new 'texas chainsaw massacre' -- despite being terrified of chainsaws. gotta get over it somehow... this might as well be the first step.

well, i suppose thats all of the mundane musings i can manage for the day... be good to you, someone has to.
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