Age: 23
Height: 172 cm / 5'8"
Weight: 56 kilos / 123 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gold-blond
Birth Date: August 8th
Medical Info:For doctors who have access to his medical records - it probably actually is a fairly complete medical history as he is rich and the family has had the same doctor for his whole life, which means the beginning will cover random childhood illnesses and a few injuries - depending on how perceptive the doctor is they might realize that some of them are consistent with abuse, though not many and they're not recorded as such. The more recent stuff is the bulk of it - sometime around six months before joining the game, he had a grand mal seizure (as is noted in his history section), which would be the first record of his current illness. The notes following this are generally a lot of tests and probably additional symptoms (as lupus manifests a lot of ways) - rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis in his wrists and hands, photosensitive rashes, possible heart complications. He had a second grand mal seizure about two months after the first (mostly because he's stupid and didn't learn the 'sleeping four hours a night every night is a bad plan' lesson after the first one). There'd also be a medication list - mild opiate (something T3-equivalent) and an antimalarial (a quinine-derivative) for everyday, which keeps the symptoms mostly under control, and then stronger opiate (Vicodin strength or stronger - possibly just straight up morphine) and a corticosteroid for the bad days. Notably, he's /not/ taking any anti-epileptics.
For people not privy to the above information, what they're most likely to notice that Rufus frequently has a sort of a tired, drawn look about him that comes from dealing with pain/fatigue on a near-daily basis. On his bad days, his movements seem a lot stiffer, and he's a lot more apt to fumble stuff like pens or utensils.
Physical traits: Under all the layers of clothes, Rufus is actually a fairly slight man, both very thin and somewhat shorter than average. His paleness lends to the sense of frailty, something which he hates, and tries as much as possible to hide it under well-tailored, expensive suits with lots of layers.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: OOC, I am cool with anything being brought up with Rufus. However, IC, certain topics are likely to rile him a bit - talking about his father, talking about his health, or implying that he's not strong/good enough is likely to raise his hackles a bit. Approach at your own risk!
Abilities: Nothing too special. He's smart, stronger than he initially looks, and is a good shot. Has absolutely zero access to magical abilities, or even magical potential - this one's a squishy mundane.
Notes for the Psychics: Rufus is layers on layers. Under the polite exterior is the closed misanthrope who only thinks about people in the context of what he can get from there and cares only about himself. Underneath that, there's a shred of humanity very, very well-buried.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/etc?: Yep! He'll be annoyed but probably not otherwise too put-out. However, for bodyswapping, see above medical notes - his body is maybe not one you'd really like swapping into too much.
Fighting: A-okay! If you come at him with fists, he will probably retaliate with the same - while he's not an expert brawler by any means, he's a little tougher than he looks. Anything more lethal - well, he carries a loaded revolver under his jacket, and he's not afraid to use it, particularly if he thinks his life is in danger. So toss me a message to work stuff out so nobody ends up maimed.
Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: Go for it! Rufus will probably just be annoyed at you forever if you do, though - he's a little touchy on personal space. Hugs in particular will make him jumpy - they make him feel trapped if it's unexpected, which puts him on the defense. Just touching him on the shoulder or something to get his attention won't provoke a negative reaction though.
Emo/Angst/Drama: At him? Feel free, though good luck making him care unless it's one of the small handful of people he actually has some emotional attachment to. Involving him? Yesss go go go, making Rufus unhappy is my hobby. Just give me a shout to organize stuff.
Maim/Murder/Death: No killing pls. Injuries I'm likely to be okay with (just toss me an e-mail/PM/IM), and permanent damage up to some nasty scars, but missing body parts is a no-go.