I wrote this. I like what I wrote. I'm keeping a copy here for my records, haha. Enjoy if you want to :-)
Ha, I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't in bed, and not going to school at all But I see these "love advice" things going around myspace, and I think they really tell people to do STUPID things. This just perpetuates the stupid games that girls think we can get away with! Anyways, I am "correcting" these to be a tad more honest.
1. When she walks away from you mad
[ Follow her ]
NO! Do not follow her! Let her cool off if she's mad! There is nothing more annoying than this!
However, some girls will want you to follow her, to prove to her that you actually care. If this is the case, you STILL should not follow her. If you do, you're sending the message that it's okay to play these stupid games. take her at face value always, and she'll learn to actually say what she means, and not to play mind games with you, making you guess what's actually going on. Do not put up with this bullshit!
4. When she start's cursing at you
[ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
Again, NO! If she's cursing, she's MAD. Let her tell you why she's mad! If you kiss her and tell her you love her, that's as good as patting a dog on the head. You're telling her that her anger means nothing to you, and that you're just saying that to placate her. That not only devalues her anger, but it devalues the word "love," since you're only using it to calm her down.
Take a step back, wait for her to stop yelling/cursing, and ask her what's wrong. Communication>placation.
5. When she's quiet
[ Ask her whats wrong ]
Okay this is legit, girls do have a thing where we're quite and something is wrong. But this isn't all the time! So if we answer "nothing," then assume that we're just thinking, and nothing is wrong. Again, this'll discourage her from making you play these games. If you react to what she says, she'll get the picture that she'd better tell you the truth, and not assume you're going to guess it. Ugh can you tell I hate these games??
6. When she ignores you
[ Give her your attention ]
Again, NO. When she ignores you, peace out. Don't put up with that shit. If she's mad, she should tell you. If she wants her space and is ignoring you to get it, leave her alone till she cools down. Either way, if she's ignoring you, then leave her ALONE
7. When she pulls away
[ Pull her back]
This is legit if it's the cutesy kind of pulling away. But if she's actually pulling away, for gods sake let her go! She is a full fledged human being, just like you are. Treat her like it
8. When you see her at her worst
[ Tell her she's beautiful ]
only if you mean it. If you don't, she'll notice.
16. When she say's that she likes you
[ she really does more than you could understand ]
unless she's one of those bitchy girls who just like to play with guys' hearts. Honestly, not all women are love-lorn. Don't just trust us, we don't just trust you! I hate that these things portray women as simpering idiots who could never be cruel. We can be, and are, often.
19. When she tells you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold ]
Okay I agree with this one. In fact, I agree so much that I'm leaving it here instead of deleting it, like I am with the other ones I don't have problems with
22. When you break her heart
[ the pain never really goes away ]
because waaaaaaaaaah we're delicate little flowers! And must make you feel guilty for everything you've ever done!! Seriously, if you break up with us then it's a good thing in the end, because it's not worth it to be in a relationship with an unhappy person. So thought it hurts (and yes it DOES), you are doing us a favor by being true to yourself. Don't beat yourself up for causing us pain. It's life. We honestly are strong enough to get over it.
23. When she says its over
[ she still wants you to be hers ]
EXACTLY! Because women aren't able to make decisions for ourselves! We say something, but really, we never mean it. So please, keep pursuing us! Even when we tell you to fuck off! We don't mean it! We loooooooove the chase!!
OR Maybe you could assume that, wow, we actually mean what we say, and have the brains enough to make our own decisions! Amazing, in'it??
24. When she reposts this bulletin
[ she wants you to read it ]
if she honestly thinks that posting a bulliten on myspace is the best way to tell you what kind of boyfriend she wants you to be, then sit her down, talk to her, and tell her to grow the fuck up. This is redic. If a woman wants a man to do something, or to establish relationship rules, she should talk to her bf about it, not HINT HINT broadcast it on myspace. terrible.
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
I've been over this. GIVE WOMEN THEIR SPACE! If she's mad, ask why!! A hug does not communication make.
- When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her
WOW again, cuz if women say they're okay, then they can't be. ever.
I've already commented on this phenomenon enough, if you don't get what I'm saying by now, then it sucks to be you
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
Possibly. But that doesn't mean you should beat yourself up in 10 years for making mistakes. It happens, it's human.
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
Cause stalking and constant attention is SO hawt!
Okay seriously, the cute "i just wanted to call and say hi and hear your voice" phone call is excellent. But if you make a routine of it, it stops being special. Besides, what if she's SLEEPING? Waking her up on a daily basis= terrible. And if she's the kind of person who needs to know that you love her before she sleeps, and before she starts her day, then she is insecure and needs to fix that shit, not have it be catered to.
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
NO NO NO! I do not want to be my boyfriends world! I want him to have other interests as well! It's creepy as fuck if he doesn't! I have my interests that I want to share with him, and I want to learn about what he likes. He actually did have a life before me, I'm assuming. If not, then he's a sad, sad person
- Give her the world.
no. This is not your job. Your job is to do your best to make her happy, as it's her job to do the same to you. This should be enough.
OKAY that's my shpeil. If you wanna repost this as legit love advice, please do. I tell this shit to people all the time, and it seems like no one is listening. Or add your own comments! Anyways, howzabout we not perpetuate the stupid social norms that exist, eh?