Characters/pairings: Damian/Anita (Damian POV)
Challenge #54: Ties that Bind
Author's note: My very first drabble for AB fandom, and my very first participation in this community. I’m not a native speaker, and I’d appreciate CC and a beta. Cross-posted to my LJ and Pomme de Sang
She walks past me, and smiles. A warm manifestation of affection.
I return the gesture, feeling unexpectedly happy.
I’m real to her now, not merely the unwanted burden thrown in her path. However, even now, she keeps the distance between us as a shield.
But the hunger is still there, and it doesn’t go away.
Predictably, she backs away, leaving behind the cold fire burning on both our skins.
I can’t blame her. She didn’t ask to be bound to me.
Neither did I, for that matter. But that’s beyond the point.
I’m hers.
One more among those she owns