Tosca, Act I, Rehearsal 34

Apr 07, 2007 12:43

a measure by measure analysis

m. 1:
Fg 1, 2, ControFg., Bs. Cl. Vc. Cb. on G accented f diminuendo. Cavaradossi: "La vidi..."
m. 2:
exit Fg 1, 2, enter Cl. 1 2, Ob. 1, 2, Harp rolled (all with a C major triad), and Vln 1 (arpeggiating the triad in 1/4 notes. Everyone p, diminuendo hairpin. Cavaradossi: "ieri '"
m. 3:
ControFg., Bs Cl. cut out, Cl. 1 2, Ob. 1 2, Hp. continue upward in paralell motion to a D major chord. Vln. 1 continues to arpegiate triad in quarter notes. Continue diminuendo Cav: "Ma fu puro"
m. 4:
Cl. 1 2, Ob. 1 2, Hp. continue upward in paralell motion to an e minor chord. Violin 1 breaks into upward 8th note arpeggiation. Crescendo hairpin. Cav: "caso"
m. 5:
enter violas and Fg. 1 on F half note, Cb. and Vc. ascend to G#, Vln. 2 enters on 2nd beat, Vln. 1 doubles tenor melody. Out: Cl. 1 2, Ob. 1 2, Hp. Cav: "a pregar qui"
m. 6:
Vc. Cb. ascend to A. Vla. Fg. 1 descend to E. All strings (+ Fg. 1) have quarter note tied to 8th note. Cav: "venne ' non"
m. 7:
String chord (minus Cb.) D7 eigth note. Cav: "visto la ri-"
m. 8:
beat 1 rest, enter Cl. 1 2, Bs. Cl, Fl. 1 p on beat 2. Cav: "-trassi."
m. 9:
winds hold chord. Tosca: "giura." quarter notes.
m. 10:
Cl. 1 2, Bs. Cl., Fl. 1 descend by half step. Cav: "giu-"
m. 11:
Winds hold hord. Cav: "ro!"
m. 12:
Fl. 1-3, Cl. 1 2, Ob. 1 2, Cr. Ing., Bs. Cl, Fg. 1 enter p with accent. Tosca: "come mi"
m. 13:
Winds hold chord. Tosca: "guarda"
m. 14:
most winds descend by half step, accent. Enter Cr. IV (con sordina) f diminuendo. Tosca: "fiso." Cav. "Vien"
m. 15:
winds hold chord, Cr. IV stops playing on last 8th beat. Cav: "via." Tosca: "Di"
m. 16:
Fl. 1-3, Ob. 1 2, Cr. Ing., Cl. 1 2, Bs. Cl. Fg. 1 repeat music of m. 12. Tosca: "me bef-"
m. 17:
winds hold chord. Tosca: "farda"
m. 18:
winds repeat music of m. 14. Cr. IV accented, holds only for one quarter tied to an eighth. All strings (minus CB) enter (con sordina Vln. 1, 2, Vla). Tosca: "ride." Cav: "Fol-
m. 19:
winds cut out on last 8th beat. Vc. descends by 1/2 step, strings hold chord. Cav: "-lia!"
m. 20:
Vln. 2, Vla, Vc. descend by half step.
m. 21:
Vln. 2, Vla stay on note, Vln. 1 descends by 1/2 step. Vc. is held over from last measure and descends on the 2nd beat (C - B).
m. 22:
upper strings hold. Vc. Descends by half step (to Bb).
m. 23:
Cb. Bb pizzicato on first beat. Rallentando for 2 mm. Tosca: "Ah! que-"
m. 24:
strings hold, Vln. 1 descends by whole step (G - F). All strings stop playing on final 8th. Tosca: "gl'occhi." Cav: "Qual"
m. 25:
Orch: Tacet. Cav: "occhio al..."

tosca, 34

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