001. Beginnings
Word count: 149
Rating: G
Alison hates to start things.
Once they are begun, she throws herself into them with all her heart and energy. But, the starting of it is the difficult part. Beginnings are fraught with opportunities to fail. Ideas, plans, journeys... all are delicate and frail at the onset.
God, she hates to fail.
Some famous guy, somewhere, once said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. What he failed to mention was that the first step was always the hardest and most frightening. That first step might send her screaming over a cliff or sinking into quicksand.
The only consolation... the driving force behind every first step she takes... is that the first step might also take her somewhere beautiful; take her to something wonderful. The unknown can be fearful or fascinating. It all depends on the point of view and that very first step.