Heh... I hate that.. I hate what feeling so angry does to me.
I'm... drained now. I have strength though at least. For those of you who have nothing to do with the previous post but still read it, well... it was your own choice. I make no appologies for being harsh, for saying things as they are. As I said before, I'm through making appologies where they are not needed.
I'm also through with passively letting others speak behind my back.
People like Debz.. this is addressed to any and all of you. I haven't blocked Anyone. Not a single person. If you message me and I'm around I Will answer you. You have a problem with me? Tell Me. Don't go attacking my friends. I will be a lot more vicious with you for that than if you came straight to me.
I am so so tired of putting up with the cowardice of hiding behind anonymous names, of speaking about me to those who are my friends and thinking you can just get away with it.
I don't care Who you are. Debz, Kim, Kel, the queen of England. If you have to hide in such ways, particularly if you are going to claim false things about me, then you have no respect of mine. Thankfully, Kim and Kel both know they can talk to me properly. Those who are my friends ALL know that I can be spoken to, and that if asked to keep something in confidence I will do so. No matter what.
Debz. You speak of a List of people.
I'm calling your bluff. Right here. Right now.
Use your anon tag if you have to. I really dont' care. But put the list here. So all can see it. Or be renounced as the brazen little hypocritical liar that you are.
You keep blathering on about 2 sides to the story... THEN TELL IT! Now. Show everyone who and what I am if you want. Out in the open. Instead of sly remarks behind my back. I'm challenging you. I'm calling your bluff once and for all.
Give the list out, give the names and how I hurt them. let me give MY side of the story for once.
Or fade into darkness like the little coward you would prove yourself to be.
Yeah. I'd confront you by MSN or AIM, but you have me blocked on both. After all.. it would be Terrible if I were to make sense now wouldn't it?
So you've forced me into putting this up here instead. So I will. I'm a hell of a lot of things. but I'm not a coward. Show me Deborah. Show me exactly what it is I'm supposed to have done that has made me such a mean person that I don't deserve to have friends. Since that's what you're trying to do isn't it? I had a feeling if I mentioned Kel or kim that you would target one of those two next. It's time to pay the fidler.
Once and for all.
Post your list, and then I seriously hope it is the last I ever hear of or from you again.