so i'm updating again. this time, a survey i stole from erin (and that she stole from anita). ps, i know numbers are missing. apparently those girls are on crack or something--i didn't do it.
24 Relationship Questions
1) Single, Taken, or Crushin?
single, i suppose.
2) Are you happy with where you are?
3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast??
i don't know. mostly, i seem to date my friends. so i guess not.
5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable?
psh hell to the no
7) Do you want children?
8) How many?
two, maybe three
9) Would you consider adoption?
yes, but judging by my fertile family, i don't think i am going to have a problem there.
16) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would you get married?
clarkston. it's home. maybe on my grandparents' property.
21) Have you ever broken a heart?
i am a HEARTBREAKER! seriously, i think so. and it makes me feel bad.
new one starts:
1.)Where were you when the ball dropped for 2006?
alone on the porch at my grandparents' house in florida. everyone else was asleep.
3.) What are you listening to right now?
"sweet child o' mine" by sheryl crow
5.) What color shirt are you wearing?
purple... and yellow. it's hideous.
7.) What did you do this morning?
got up, packed my stuff into my car, and drove home from camp michigania. i stopped at some outlet stores along the way, too and spent way too much money.
9.) Where do you work?
12.) What was the last concert you attended?
death cab, i think? wow. that was a long time ago. clearly, i'm not a big conceret-goer.
13.) Who was with you?
chris, adam de bear, stef freiwald, and then others were there but not with us... like derek, christina, dave, guy, lindsay tigue, alex harsha-strong, etc.
18.) What was the last TV show you watched?
19.) What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
my pearls
27) what color is your razor?
light blue, of course.
28.) What is your favorite frozen treat?
ice cream of course
33.) Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss!
hmm erin... i dunno, everyone i guess.
35.) Do you care what people think about you?
too much.
43.) Are you an aggressive driver?
um, yes.
44.) Who is your cell phone provider?
51.) Do you like mustard?
in moderation. i have a hard time eating it after i watched kirk/melv/reg/szilvagyi/etc's french video.
52.)What do you tell yourself when times get hard?
55.)What character from a movie/TV most reminds you of yourself?
dr. tobias funke from arrested development.
58.)Do you enjoy giving hugs?
to certain people, yes. like kasper :)
59.)Would you consider yourself to be fashionable?
in a classic, timeless sense. my sister calls it boring
60.)Do you own a digital camera?
61.)What celebrities have you been compared to?
no one, really. people once said i looked like the designer genivieve from trading spaces.
62.)Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
han solo
64.)What books, if any, have made you cry?
the lovely bones is the last book i can remember making me CRY, per se. i try to read books with emotional depth that weigh on my heart/mind, but i rarely cry. the bible, too.
70.) Why did you do this survey?
because I had the time, I was bored, and because erin did it first. and i do everything she does.