Numbers. [Doctor Who s07e04 - The Power of Three]

Sep 29, 2012 16:12

At least it wasn't a Charmed crossover.

Most of the time when an episode is primarily about the relationships of the Doctor and his Companions, the actual plot won't stand up to much scrutiny. This doesn't break the mold. The Shakri were boring, and the resolution felt very much in the RTD "just wrap it up with a magic button, I don't care" style. (The last line title drop was just painful.)

I did like the arrival of Kate Stewart, and hope she makes occasional guest appearances in the future. I can see her growing on me. I still adore Rory's dad, Brian.

The idea of the Doctor coming to visit, and seeing an episode from the point of the view of the Pond's was nice, but they didn't have the guts to really do anything with it. The "annoyed Doctor at home" was rushed through briefly and didn't amount to much. The Doctor still remained the focus, instead of really pacing it as if the Ponds were central.

I get the whole "The Ponds are like his Parents" vibe they sometimes go for, but other than some side conversations about running to or running from things, it didn't amount to much. The whole bit about Amy's face being the first his new face saw was the closest to anything meaningful.

I am not sure if I should be reading something into the constant flickering lights we've seen all year so far. Given that the Angels are coming next week for the Pond finale and they've often been associated with that effect, it could be something specific, or simply tonal foreshadowing.

A fond nod to the normal life of the Ponds, but I am sufficiently bored of them that I fear they have a lot of work to do to make me care.

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review, doctor who, science fiction, pop culture, television

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