Better late than never...

Mar 23, 2006 11:07

Title: Luck is random circumstances taken personally
Time: AtS
Rating: PG
Challenge: Luck (Sorry I'm late)
Word Count: 100





Gunn and Wesley walked into the lobby. "Luck," Gunn said.

"Skill," replied Wesley.

"What are you guys arguing about now?" Cordelia asked, not even looking up from her magazine.

"Whether or not my shot between the demon's eyes was skill or luck." Wesley looked to Gunn and said, "Skill."

"No, we're arguing about how you barely missed the electric fence when you dove out of the way." He looked at Wesley, "Luck."

Cordelia lowered her magazine. "My God, you guys can't even agree what you are arguing about."

"Yes we can."

Gunn smiled, "No we can't."
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