So, as you may or may not have noticed, I changed my wonderful little page. I guess you could say that it reflects the new beginning of me going home. I dunno, I just got over the old one. So, enjoy, kids. And I'll be home Saturday evening at 8:30pm. Someone should hang out with me. And, I realize that sounded like it was directed at someone
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So, Joanna posted this a while back, and I really liked it, and jotted it down in my notebook. Cleaning, I found it, and remembered why I jotted it down, and how much it applies to me right now. So, I'm posting it. Thanks, Joanna
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So, I was thinking a lot about America today over my breakfast of Hawaiian rolls and ham. Well, I was mostly thinking about how ( America has become very fascist )
So, I've decided to just bail on people in general. Or my life, but not in the suicide terms. More along the lines of re-evaluating every little aspect, and moving elsewhere in the country, to somewhere that I don't know anyone and can officially start over
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