Challenge 20: TV Show Crossword - With A Twist

Jul 27, 2021 21:12

Description: Solve the crossword!

- This is the crossword:

(it's pretty big, so I recommend using a graphics programme to fill it in rather than printing it out)
- For the clues, go to this dropbox folder:
- Listen to the 30 TV Theme songs uploaded there: these are your clues for the crossword. I picked popular shows from various decades that I thought had well-known theme songs. I've uploaded the full theme songs and some of them are ridiculously easy even if you don't watch the show. If you get stuck on a theme, you can always see if you can make an educated guess.
- fill the names of the shows into the crossword field with the corresponding number
- please use a readable font (no cursive/handwriting fonts please); font colour is up to you
- black squares within words are empty spaces between words or hypens
- comments are screened
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that there might be some confusion with #30 because of the number of blank spaces not equating to the number of letters in the answer. That's true - I didn't think about removing the punctuation before I entered it into the crossword generator, so there are two extra spaces for a comma and an exclamation point. I won't deduct any points if someone gets this particular answer wrong.

- 1 point for each show you've filled in correctly (30 total)
+ 15 for getting all of them correct
+ 1 for sig tag
- max possible points = 46 points

Due Date: Saturday, July 31, 10 pm Middle European Time (Countdown | Time Converter)

Here's the solution if you want to double check:

puzzles, guest host, challenge, challenge 20, user: seraphina_snape, cycle 08

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