other lyrics i've collectedThis is for old time's sake... and also just in case I lose this lyrics booklet again.
The Last Word in Horror (extended play compact disc) by Genosha
This Life's Blood a Map to the Other-Side by Genosha
I no longer subscribe to your
Straightedge fashion show
Suffering within blinders unseen
Straightedge Fashion Show
Laughter still gathers at the gate
A blissful expelling of this unwanted weight
I cleave to You with violence
I cleave to You Here
I stand with my heart broken and my arms crossed
as if in my stubborn ignorance I can out wait You
I struggle with my eyes closed and try to fight You
but You are so worthy and I long to sing You praise
(You are so worthy Father
How I long to Worship
Savior I long to Glorify You)
I sever these ties and burned these bridges and still You climbed up that hill with that wood on Your back the look of love in Your eye for me and all I want to do is sing You praise ()
Here I stand again
Amidst a field
To the left and to the right of me stands Legions of Angels
With their swords drawn and their hands bloodied
For they fight not a war of flesh but in the spirit and they stand for me and I thank You Father for counting me worthy
You are so beautiful
Your eyes they're on me tonight
It's not ours this world and what it brings
I give You everything
this Flesh this Lie this Disease
I need You so much now I lay my life down
Going to Vegas in a Handbasket by Genosha
I'm sitting outside Your house and feeling You're at home
The keys are still in the ignition
Another Sunday morning's come
Another Sunday gone
Some images just stick with you
Almost haunting like a crime scene tracheotomy
The gravity of your unwed situation
Is pulling me under and drowning me in regret
Tonight I miss Your touch
Tonight I need Your embrace
Tonight just to kiss Your face
Tonight I love You
My Lover
Kill Before the Voices Stop by Genosha
Laying in the bath tub BLEEDING
Bullet in the chamber BLEEDING
Medicine cabinet empty BLEEDING
Silent Silence Silent Silence
I don't want to DIE
Toothbrush Shaped Like a Shiv by Genosha
My eyes have been sewn shut
My mouth it opens up
This feeling of deception
Has burdened my vision
Leering through eyelids flesh fades to gray
Photo album yellow, the color of yesterday
Smiles seem to suffocate under cellophane
How marvelous could yesterday be when tomorrow's split wide open
And today you're still left bleeding
Gravesite flower petals fall down on a young girl's 9 month stomach pains
Sing out a dirge on her birth date
Drag my lake for scars pearl handled six-shooter
Searching for stars
Playstation seizures
Eating disorders bleed with leeches
While models in see-through tops litter tropical beaches
Tender infant wrapped tight in such a beautiful pink burial shroud
This TRL culture does not come without a loss
Size 2 sensation
Silicone success stories
J.V. death machine GO TEAM GO GO TEAM GO
Golden memories of who we used to be
Lace covered letters still remind me
(Let's sugar coat a dream)
We lost we lost when we lost Marilyn
Inexperienced Phlebotomist by Genosha
This vessel is taking water
Grasping the rail
Insides are out
Lost at sea
So many metaphors for dysfunction and in this tempest
JESUS CHRIST is throwing the ANCHOR
Makeshift IV looms and autumn's in full bloom
My heart is an altar
You left me here alone feeling worthless
Your hands choking at blood
Tastes bitter like the closing credits of a picture show I loved
So call me on the phone tonight
I dine alone
Staring out the window
Dogs lick at my wounds
To be back in the womb
Distant photographs bring pain
Can't let these splinters bleed in vain
Lethan dreams crash anew on distant shores
As my eyes close on another day
The heavens exhale blood still
Persists from the slits in Your wrists
Cause I can't stop driving this dagger in
Hearts racing beyond my breath
Air stale and smells of mothballs
Longing to escape this sinking flesh
This blood cracks for it has not been washed away
Tear stained
Afraid to see through this mirror
My dreams slipping into waking hours
Now kindling the flame that consumes this birth of fear and loathing and a machine that whispers sweet nothings
For as I grasp it fades away
Punch drunk and we haven't even begun
Gloves are down
As sweat covers my brow
Tears mix with denial and somehow you're here
Coulnd't have it any other way
Your eyues so beautiful
My God You're so...
Feelings get in the way
So simple before
Then you kissed me
So sweetly
Haunting my lips
Your breath
Can Your heart still hold the calm
Let's stop here efore it all gets...
Guess it already has and we are both bleeding.