"Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel and I'll be auditioning for the role of kicker." kurt, 'preggers'
summary: Once upon a time, I didn't give a damn. Kurt character study. music: whataya want from me. adam lambert. size/format/length: 30MB, wmv, 2:45 for maichan808, who requested a kurt (being fab) vid.
I'm 9 people away from 100 members -- er, watched by-ers! Thank you. :D
To celebrate, I'm making a video just for you. Comment (anonymously) below with a song/idea you've always wanted to see vidded. Once I reach 100, I'll announce a winner. :)
"Life sucks without you. I miss you. I -- Of course I miss you. I knew that I would. But it's not like a 'hey, we had some great times, you know, keep in touch' kind of thing. It's more like, 'I can't eat, I can't sleep, I forget what it feels like to laugh' . . ." ryden, to adam, 'post grad'