YOU GUYS, why does everyone always update with tremendously interesting things when I'm gone? On Friday, LJ in all of it's entirety was dead and I had NOTHING to do and then come today when I had to go to Derby (WHY DO PEOPLE EVEN LIVE IN DERBY, no offense to those who do but really why would you choose to do so?) there are about 50 different entries to look at! I will get to it once this has been posted - which it would have been earlier but as stated previously, I had to go to Derby! Which was eventful, except not really.
Anyway onto thiiiiisssss. I am doing this for several reasons: one being I love chuck and blair and I love talking about them! Numero two: this gets to be my christmas present to the rest of the world and I figure, also my last hurrah of sorts as once this is done I really, really need to get working/studying. I am thinking a good clean strech till about the end of January and hopefully by then I should be able to breeaathe. Number three: EH, THERE IS NONE. Really, this is pure indulgence on my part. I find even when people are talking about these two (or I guess the show in general?) positively it is always in this passive-agressive way like: WOW, SHOW I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW MUCH YOU MADE ME LIKE THEM. Well, this wont be like that as I don't particularly FEEL like that. This post will be 50% JOY and 50% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET EXCITED. I will not get into detail about aspects of fandom that retract from my enjoyment as it ruins the mood, whatever I AM HAPPY YOU CANNOT KILL MY BUZZ.
FACES. You could probably say that a significant amount of my enjoyment of Season 3 is just the utter delight that is their faces around each other. But basically what a lovely opening to their relationship this season in that: THEY CANNOT COPE WITHOUT EACH OTHER FOR 3 HOURS. It is too, too much to handle and dependency to a large extent is kind of unhealthy but also really, really wonderful to watch? This was in fact probably my favourite scene of the episode though because a) clearly they find immense amounts of pleasure purely by being in each other's presence, b) 3 HOURS IS 3 HOURS TOO LONG, c) uhhh sex in public friends.
It is at this point (i.e: the beginning, haha) that I get to start a kink list, yayyyy!
1.) sex in public
Look at that angsty-cap-of-woe at the end right there! More of that later, it's just here to look pretty for the time being (which is what most angst is for, let's be honest!). OH GOSH, AGAIN; faaaaaaces. For me, this scene is reminiscent of
the scene before they graduate which is tenuous and awkward and vulnerable in a but-i-wont-let-you-see way which is fun because it's a dynamic the show doesn't often choose to portray (which is ok too! I LIKE HAPPINESS)
How can you hate it when two people's ultimate goal within their relationship is to make each other as happy as possible? That's pretty much what this scene is about really. And also mature approaches to relationships!!! Which really, everyone on this show SUCKS at doing understandably as they have not found each other the way Chuck and Blair have. But yes basically, I wrote about this when the episode first aired: Chuck realises that there is a problem and he asks her about to so that they can solve said problem together. Albeit it doesn't resolve itself till the end of the episode BUT THEY HAVE CONVERSATIONS WHERE THEY DISCUSS ISSUES and like, is he even concentrating on what she's saying when he's looking at her like that at the same time?
OH MAN SERIOUSLY: what I said, about this episode being all about the faces. Second cap in the bottom row!!! She is being lit by the glow of a thousand moons or some shit I do not even know but if I had to pick something that read utter contentment and also screamed LOVELOVELOVE I would pick that screencap because I think it conveys it so, so perfectly. And I LOVE the basic gist of this scene which is, in all it's cheesy glory, that he is nooothing without her and also: SHE'S SO SILLY TO THINK THAT HE WOULD RISK THIS, what they have, over something as trivial as a leggy, blonde model/socialite/idk what she was tbh. And his smiiiile at her affected "Chuck Baaaass" - like, in private they laugh at most of the eccentric things he does everyday
Their hands in the penultimate cap! She is just grasping four fingers as opposed to his actual hand!!! And he cannot stop touching her or they cannot stop touching each other i.e: THEY MUST REMAIN IN PHYSICAL CONTACT ALWAYS. UGH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH.
I don't even know why there is so much of this scene here since it's so seeminly insignificant. I think the body language in this scene is A+ in this unique and wonderful way. SHE SHIVERS AND THE NUZZLING AND OH MAN WOULD YOU JUST LOOK AT THAT PENULTIMATE SCREENCAP. Also, I really enjoy them just having conversations about stuff. This, I guess, bores people but me being the very bad voyeuristic loser that I am, finds infinite enjoyment in little details like him seeing her off and how genuinely pleased she is by the very fact. ALSO YOU CAN'T SEE IT HERE BUUUUT: HER LEG POPS AT THE END (thank you mia thermopolis! via. the princess diaries!)
THIIIIIS SCEEEEEENE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is kind of ridiculous to get so excited over something that is so quiet and well, simplistic but OH MAN OH MAN, THIS SCENE. Every movement, action, breath, EFFING SECOND, is perfect. From her sigh once she is settled beside him to the way he draws comforting circles on her hand and everything before and everything in-between and everything after!!!! I feel like there is so much I could say about this scene but it never comes out coherently or the way I WANT it to come out. This scene exemplifies a big theme in their relationship, that being that they find utter and complete solace within each other. They don't have to say or do anything, it's just the simple act of being NEXT to each other.
I LOVE COMMON THEMES AND PARALLELS SO MUCH and also I'm going to skip ahead because it is inkeeping with my train of thought:
See! IT'S A THEME. Except this scene is slightly different as OBVIOUSLY, Blair needs more than Chuck to just exist but still! I guess it's nice that she felt comfortable enough to express how much he matters as a component in her life and how wholly necessary he is? I love all the kissing and nuzzling that goes on in this scene - it is insubstantial but apparently I will never ever take things like this for granted: I am incapable of doing so. ALSO: I like that he knows exactly how to adress this situation; yay for good boyfriends!!!
RE HIS SPEECH TO SERENA WHICH IS ALSO IN THIS EPISODE: I get that it was more about Blair and Serena and the blah-de-blah BUT REALLY it was also mostly about how Chuck worships Blair to a scary degree - it's not even about idealising her but genuinely loving every aspect of her and to have THAT much belief in someone, it says things!
I have nothing profound to say: gratuitous caps because - SO PRETTY and nooooses and thigh caressing and so much smiling OMG MY FACE HURTS BECAUSE OF IT. HEH, kink list:
1.) sex in public
2.) eating off each other
I am slightly disturbing myself by writing this out alone in my room, NOT GONNA LIE. ANYWAY: physical intimacies that are now natural because THEY ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP so they get to put their hands on certain places and drag each other through doors and IN GENERAL IT IS WONDERFUL
The kink list makes a brisk return:
1.) sex in public
2.) eating off each other
3.) spanking
I thoroughly approve of these tactics being used ALWAYS in Blair's attempts to win any and all arguments. I like that this scene appears to be going for a SIMPLY AMUSING! angle at first but resolves itself into something more - as stated previously, Chuck has endless amounts of belief in Blair and genuinely so so so genuinely thinks that she is superior to just about everyone else ever. In the same way I think the faith Blair has in Chuck is perhaps on a more quiet scale which is somewhat more resonant as a result? I like that these THINGS come out of them at inopportune times and how SHOCKED AND APPALLED they are: WHY CAN'T YOU SEE HOW AWESOME YOU ARE WHEN IT IS SO OBVIOUS TO ME?
Lovely lovely lovely set of caps! I like that it sometimes appears as though he is in constant shock because he is in a functioning, working, LOVING relationship with Blair Waldorf. I looooooooove the way she looks at him sometimes(often) - she is so deeply affected by WHO HE IS and everything he does and it she doesn't want it to but it makes her so sad. EYES, OHMYGOOOOD.
FIRST CAP BOTTOM ROW! LOOK AT IT LOOK AT LOOOOOOK AT IT! They get to make-out all the time! How is it that they kiss for five seconds and look as though they've had some great emotional upheaval? This scene is so sweet it gives me diabetes. His "lolol they think I've lost her mind" and her semi-cautious "lolol, HAVE YOU THOUGH???"
The way Chuck Bass smiles at Blair Waldorf! He is both amused and endeared by everything she does
So. The dialogue for this scene was choppy at best and Chuck Bass slips a knotch or two in his attempts to be the best-boyfriend-ever - minus points deducted purely based on execution? I STILL LIKE WHAT HE WAS TRYING TO DO: which again, was just to let her know that he thinks she is the best human being alive, he worships her, her getting him to worship her is a pretty cool feat, best believe she can do anything she wants, ETC ETC. THE WALKING AWAY WAS SO RANDOM THOUGH. Whyyyyy would you just leave her standing there! I guess he had to go and pay that photographer and make a laboured Dumbo metaphor but still!
And! Oh woops, this should have been added earlier!
1.) sex in public
2.) eating off each other
3.) spanking
4.) role-playing
UGH MAKING ALL OF THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN! Looking at HQ caps is like reliving everything but in magnified detail which is 60x better I think! BUT ANYWAY: He cannot resist waking her up! His robe is so gross! SMIIIIIIIIILES. Does she ever sleep in her dorm? THIS LJ: WHERE IMPORTANT ISSUES ARE DISCUSSED.
Weird exotic oriental massages! haha, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Actuallyyyy after 3x12 and 3x03, this is probably my favourite episode in terms of showcasing their relationship. Just because they dont REALLY DO anything - they are featured quite a bit but are inconsequential for the most part which I get bothers people loads and they should be DOING!SOMETHING! but mehhh, I could watch a show devoted wholly to them just BEING and I would be completely satisfied; and I think this episode was a lot about that. Conversations! I love when they have conversations - dialogue within established relationships is a favourite of mine, weirdly.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whenever I get morose about all of this, I think: THE SCRIPT WANTED CHUCK AND BLAIR TO LOOK AT EACH OTHER IN THE MIDDLE OF A WEDDING CEREMONY: DURING THE PIVOTAL PART OF THE VOWS. It has deep significance! A lot of the time I get so annoyed with over-readings of things. Over-simplification is one thing but sometimes people see things that are just not THERE and I get that everything is open to interpretation but also: NO. I like that this is so obvious and in-your-face - they pointedly stare at each other and think: GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Also! What I like about this episode is the different facets of their relationship it revealed. They can spend most of the day sparring and at the end still be like "OHMYGOD YOOOOOUUUU! I saw you five minutes ago BUT HI HI HI" Seriously, that bottow row of caps is dripping happy - my screen is meltiiiiinnggg
I have a weird affinity for this scene - maybe it's the way he says "Always" or her general use of expression OR the way she does not push the issue of him kissing guys. I choose to believe that she is not TRULY surprised by it.
OHHH PRETTY PEOPLE ANGSTY TIMES. Do. Not. Even. Care. I love their faces here and the excessive neck shots/glistening eyes. EMOTE MY LOVELY ACTORS, EMOTE! In that same vein, I am so so thankful that they are yet to have any third-party-esqye conflict. May it remain that way please&thank you!
AHHH, I will be perfectly honest and say that I did have issues with this episode in terms of expectations vs. reality. I suppose I was hoping things would be addressed in a different way that was more DRUM-ROLL-ISH, I guess? I feel this episode is more of a set-up for what is sure to come later though: Jack and their apparent ~TRUST ISSUES~ But eh, the episode was good for some lovelyyyyy shots! NUZZLING, looks of admiration, laughing at Perez Hilton
I'm not quite sure why I like this scene so much: Conversation, I guess - though not very significant and simplicity! I love the set-up of the first cap and think it's soooo aesthetically pleasing somehow: COULD STARE FOREVER. And they go to art exhibitions together!!! HAHA, CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE.
1.) sex in public
2.) eating off each other
3.) spanking
4.) role-playing
5.) idk, a variety of props (DAMN YOU SERENA)
Chuck and Blair don't do very much for the next few episodes, when they do feature they are lovely and pretty ALWAYYYYS. SOME NICE SHOTS:
I love that all these caps manage to display a sense of innate intimacy in the most subtle of ways
Ohhhh, Blair. INSERT SADFACE HERE. I love her determination here, I think throughout this episode she never crossed into forceful or pushy which was nice. Also! The end of this scene was a nice callback to this:
I love the urgency with which she presses the button.
They have developed a method to their madness! More simply stated: I like that he tries to get her to leave as it's probably he will say something he'll regret. I like that she DOES leave when asked - her patience in this episode was INSANE. OH, HIS REGRETFUL POSTURE IN THAT CAP. Annnnnd when he backed her up against the door! They have this indecent habbit of making angst really hot which sounds shallow but it's true! That scene in last season's finale when she says "I love you so much it consumes me"? She spends a really good proportion of that scene staring at his mouth, guuuuuuuuh
I HAVE TALKED ABOUT THIS NEXT SCENE TO DEATH. Really, I'm pretty sure people are sick of me expounding so I think it is better to leave it simply as it is without comment? Hopefully it is more powerful that way. I do think it's such a great scene
SO wow, that was the season! I miss having their realtionship onscreen every week!!! WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS, I HAVE THEM. Please refrain from re-posting this elsewhere. I don't know why you would but if you have the urge? Resiiiiist! If you have the urge to comment negatively? Resiiiist! I get that plenty of people have issues with the choices this show makes but I'm sure you can find another place in which to rant about all of that.