Today's reading included Ezekiel chapter 23.
My general impression: The sisters Samaria and Jerusalem committed adultery and worse with the Gentiles which, if I remember right, they were commanded not to intermarry. They no longer gave God as the number one priority(any priority for that matter), and the result, they became selfish. They made themselves gods, and went after whatever their evil hearts desired. Many times in this chapter their sexual sin is described. This reminds of the Scripture Galatians 5:16,"I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." Granted, the Old Testament believers did not have the indwelling of the Spirit, but I do believe that God would help a person if they desired to do right. But repeatedly God had warned them through the prophets of their evil ways, and allowed their neighbors to overtake them. I think it's scary that there is a certain point where you can cross a line and God decides to bring judgment. Looking into my past, I see clearly that God would have been well justified in judging me. I kind of think of it like being caught in a thick, sticky, black pit with a view of the gates of Hell in sight. But God's mercy bore my sin, He did not execute judgment, but was long suffering towards me. So how am I different from the two sisters? The fact is, I am no different then the two sisters, and knowing much more about God's revelation to man on His redemption of man, I would say I am worse than a nonbeliever. So today, I'll remember God's sovereignty to be kind and merciful towards me, and thus what my attitude should be towards my enemies.