I wanted to save this message between me and tim, it was on my facebook but I have to delete it so I have room for other quotes, but I wanted it to be somewhere else so I can look at it to give me a giggle lol! yeah I know i'm weird
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don't you hate it when you have three teachers that think their subject is what makes the world go round. So they all give you gratuitous amounts of homework so that their subject can take up your entire life
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1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, your favorite kind of sandwich, or maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not
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I had a very good weekend...Maggie and Ryan came to visit yaay! but me and maggie couldn't go see Colleen booooo! I want to see her very soon...I miss my other half :o
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Drunk dialing is not a good thing...expecially when you can't remember what you said, you just remembered that you called them. and now I must wait to talk to him later to find out what the hell I said. I don't think it was bad though...I have never really said anything bad, but still...it gets ya nervous. I want to see himmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :o)