I come home. Dad "do you remember lance, from the bike club" mom "He rode that blue suziki" me "Yeah tall guy dark voice, I liked him" Dad "he was shot" mom "six times" ... me "Why?" dad "no reason, just bloodly *explitive deleted* me "good thing we moved" mom "He's in a wheel chair" Dad "but he'll never walk again."
I have spearmint chappies and a tempo bar One of my moms friends went back to south africa and I was giving the chance to get some small things. A tempo is made by cadbury, but you don't get them here And Chappies are bubble gum, but good, very good. That's my joy.
I lost my pipe. It's saddening. I don't know if I left it in jenns car, or my mommy took it. It's completely possible that my mommy stole it from me. If so I need to find it and get it back. I could've left it in chris' kitchen. Which would suck.
I hate my life. Don't get me wrong, I love my live! I'm having fun right now. It's great. But it could get a l it better, in that sence that it's not going to get ant better than is already is. The way it's going is not the way I was wanting, but it's welcome. But there's that other thing that I want, but shall never have.