I'm wondering if you'd mind if I friend you? We have a few friends in common, plus Speckles was talking about you the other day and you sound pretty cool :D
My journal is also Friends Only and I've recently done a flist cut, but that's because of some privacy issues I had.
Oh and don't feel the need to be nice. If you don't want to friend me I'm totally cool with that ;)
Hi! Sure. *friends you back* Yay, Speckles is pretty cool. I also see that you are a BIG Torri fan. Yay! Torri rocks!! I'm actually going to a convention in May to meet her. I'm so excited.
Are there any other TV shows or fandoms that you are hooked on? Blood Ties is my new favorite obsession. I also loved Stargate Atlantis until recent events such as casting.
DUDE, ED AND DB (or BB) TOTALLY ROCK AND KICK BUTT!!! LoL. Sorry, about the caps, just making my Bones interest loud and clear!! ... *calms down* Um, okay, I'm friending you cause
a)You can't live without music like me, although we might not have the came music taste.
I first stumbled upon your [very pretty!!] lj because on I saw in a comment in one of the Bones communities your awesome icon that said "Dear lj..today booth hit on me" *smirk* I loved it and was shamlessly going to find out who made it then snag it myself. Until I saw your user pic and was like 'OMG LIZZEH!'.
So to cut this ramble short (becuase now I sound like a crazy person) check out my user pics to see some of my interests but I love SGA, BSG and Bones (newly obsessed) so ... yeah.
*runs to hide because this might literally be the worst friends attempt I have ever made*
Hi! *waves* Lol, that's one of my favorite icons! *giggles* Nope you don't sound like a crazy person. I am an icon whore so I like to collect tons and tons of icons. I would have more icon but they have a limit thingy. *friends ya* :D
sorry I've taken a few days to reply, my school life got a little crazy! I'm not a very good friend during school. *shakes head* Thats why I love my holidays so much! yay!
anyway...I am sure I have almost 500mb of icons on my computer that I can never use in a lifetime but when I saved them I thought 'maybe one day...' :p
Hi! *waves* XD I added you back. I see that we have a lot of the same interests.
I just want to let you know that my friends and I have are bad at using Doctor Who icons from Season 3. I hope that it won't spoil you if you haven't seen season 3 yet.
Bloodtiesstillsbrookeh777July 26 2007, 11:30:24 UTC
I'm really really sorry but I can't post the winners for the current challenge. I'm moving and my grandma has to move my computer this morning =(. I should be back into the normal swing of things by Tuesday.
Comments 64
I'm wondering if you'd mind if I friend you? We have a few friends in common, plus Speckles was talking about you the other day and you sound pretty cool :D
My journal is also Friends Only and I've recently done a flist cut, but that's because of some privacy issues I had.
Oh and don't feel the need to be nice. If you don't want to friend me I'm totally cool with that ;)
Are there any other TV shows or fandoms that you are hooked on? Blood Ties is my new favorite obsession. I also loved Stargate Atlantis until recent events such as casting.
Hooked on? On man, just read my profile :P Mainly atm though it's Blood Ties, Bones and The Pretender. And House...possibl BSG as well... :P
a)You can't live without music like me, although we might not have the came music taste.
b)Dude, Bones fan!!!
Add me back?
I first stumbled upon your [very pretty!!] lj because on I saw in a comment in one of the Bones communities your awesome icon that said "Dear lj..today booth hit on me" *smirk* I loved it and was shamlessly going to find out who made it then snag it myself. Until I saw your user pic and was like 'OMG LIZZEH!'.
So to cut this ramble short (becuase now I sound like a crazy person) check out my user pics to see some of my interests but I love SGA, BSG and Bones (newly obsessed) so ... yeah.
*runs to hide because this might literally be the worst friends attempt I have ever made*
anyway...I am sure I have almost 500mb of icons on my computer that I can never use in a lifetime but when I saved them I thought 'maybe one day...' :p
Lol! You can never have too many icons. XD
I just wanted to let you know that I added you! Add me back?!
I just want to let you know that my friends and I have are bad at using Doctor Who icons from Season 3. I hope that it won't spoil you if you haven't seen season 3 yet.
I've seen it all till "Sound of Drums" so no sweat! ;)
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