i really wish someone would read this. i wont update for a while prolly but this is a good entry, at least i think, so indulge please!!
its unlike me to say that im
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HEY ITS KENNY.. ya obviously im 16.. i saw clarinet and i was like gee who could that be.. hey im tryin to get on my gf but she i dont think her dad is all keen to let me go out with her yet so its kinda SSSSSLLLLOOOOOWWWWW right now. later hottie1
this is colleen
November 13 2004, 02:09:22 UTC
kalyani ur so cool i wish i had time to do stuff but homework and school ruin ppls lives so i never hang out with ppl anymore :( but thats going to change after my frikin long retarded english paper is over which ill know ill do the night before but dude im going to invite u over soon assuming ur not away thanksgiving brreak
oh yeah and the post it note didnt work i got angry I LOVE U
you are such an excellent friend and i know we dont see each other as much this year as before and weve had some issues especially with bitchholes and dickheads and headslammers lol and with other crapppp BUT you are so amazing and i admire you and i know youve been down in the dumps lately but im always here for you no matter what becasue like you said we have a bond that can never be broken. and ill always go sit at the HO//THE CLEARING which no one appriciates with you whenever because we have boatloads of fun and plus it will keep us close like my shoelaces WOO. you probably know more about me than most people and im glad to know that i can always count on you and youre always there for me and you have no idea how much that means to me.
woo look at all those sappy comments :) i mean every single one of them though
haha i #4 baby!! wow...its amazing how much fun people can have together and how close they can become. we've had so much fun/crazy/hectic/anything possible times in the last 6 years that i've known you. But even through all those crappy times we've stayed friends. i wish that we could have had at least 1 class together this year!! but its okay...that wont mean we'll stop being friends. gotta love your cooking skills! ..and everything that goes on involving the computer!! haha
Comments 18
oh yeah and the post it note didnt work i got angry
woo look at all those sappy comments :)
i mean every single one of them though
wow...its amazing how much fun people can have together and how close they can become. we've had so much fun/crazy/hectic/anything possible times in the last 6 years that i've known you. But even through all those crappy times we've stayed friends. i wish that we could have had at least 1 class together this year!! but its okay...that wont mean we'll stop being friends. gotta love your cooking skills! ..and everything that goes on involving the computer!! haha
luv ya lots
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