I would flea bomb your apartment and bleach EVERYTHING your old kitty used, if I were you. Make sure all drinking bowls and food dishes have been washed a few times. Otherwise your next kitty 'might' end up catching FIV.
furrysantuary is in the Seattle area, and is currently raising a litter of REALLY CUTE little kittens from a semi-stray cat. The silver and tortie are girls. They'll be available around July 4th, and she's asking $25 or whatever you can spare to help with medical costs. She said art might also be acceptable in place of cash. =)
Comments 6
I would flea bomb your apartment and bleach EVERYTHING your old kitty used, if I were you. Make sure all drinking bowls and food dishes have been washed a few times. Otherwise your next kitty 'might' end up catching FIV.
They'll be available around July 4th, and she's asking $25 or whatever you can spare to help with medical costs. She said art might also be acceptable in place of cash. =)
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