Title : Trying to Belong (Part 1)
Series: Family’s What You Make It...
times_for_threePromt: 01. First Kiss
Author: Jake
Rating: FRT (but future parts will be FRAO)
Disclaimer: Stolen temporarily. Will be returned at the end of the series.
Summary: In the Beginning
“Explain it again.” Don Eppes stared at the two boys in front of him.
“Look, you saw it yourself. Explaining it again won’t make it make any more sense. You either believe what you saw or you don’t.” Sam Winchester explained patiently. Dean just shook his head.
Don slid down against the wall until he was sitting on the side walk. “So all the things that go bump in the night they’re not just stories?”
“No. Very real.” Sam answered
“Fuck.” Don swore.
“Look we still have to get rid of the corpse and I don’t recommend hanging around here.” Dean spoke up.
“I don’t want to know do I?” Don asked.
“Probably not.” Dean told him
“What am I supposed to tell my boss since our suspect is dead?” Don stared at the corpse.
“You’ll come up with something.” Dean smirked. Sam elbowed his brother in the side.
“Let’s get to work.” Sam said.
“You boys have some where to stay?” Don asked them.
“We were just planing to move on.” Dean answered him.
“You can crash at my apartment.” Don offered.
Dean and Sam looked at each other.
“Thanks.” The Winchester boys answered at the same time.
When Don woke early the next morning he sincerely hoped his memories were just a dream. The two boys sleeping on the couches said other wise. Don was very glad it was Saturday and hoped he wouldn’t get called in to work. He still had to figure out what to say about the suspect. Don put the coffee pot on before calling Charlie.
“Hello?” Charlie answered the phone sleepily.
“Sorry to wake you but I need to ask you a favor. I want to come by for breakfast but I’d be bringing two people with me.” Don asked.
“Of course you can. Who else is coming?” Charlie wanted to know.
“I’ll explain when we get there.” Don told his brother.
“Ok we’ll see you around 9:30 then.” Charlie confirmed before hanging up the phone.
As the two Winchester boys approached the Eppes house Dean leaned over an muttered to Sam, “We shouldn’t be sticking around.”
“We couldn’t run out on an FBI agent.” Sam whispered back.
Don held the front door open and waited for the boys to catch up to him. The Winchester brothers stepped through the door to the smells of breakfast cooking. Alan came through the kitchen door carrying a platter laden with breakfast food. Ham, sausage, bacon, and pancakes were added to the scrambled eggs and hash browns already on the table.
“Hi Donnie.” Alan called out as he set the platter down. Dean had to hide his smirk at a grown FBI agent being called Donnie. Alan came over and introduced himself to the two boys. “I’m Alan, and you are?”
“Sam” said Sam.
“Dean.” said Dean.
Alan shook both boys hands. “Are you involved in a case Donnie’s working on?”
“Something like that.” Don answered for the Winchesters.
At that moment Charlie came down the stairs. Dean tried not to stare. Sam sharply elbowed his older brother in the side.
Dean liked women a lot. There was a reason he became known as a skirt chaser. Dean also on occasion liked men. The men who caught Dean’s eye were few. When Dean liked a man it was something special. He’d only ever had two boyfriends and in the end Lindsey had betrayed him. He and Lindsey had hunted together for a while when Sam was at Stanford. Apparently Lindsey’s good deeds had impressed some guy named Angel who’d never given Lindsey a chance. Lindsey gets a phone call one night and goes running off to L.A.. Dean was fucked up for a while afterwards, but he just kept hunting until he was over it. So, sometimes Dean liked men, and Dean most definitely liked Charlie.
Breakfast was a noisy affair of good food and good conversation. Sam got deep into a conversation with Don and Alan, leaving Charlie and Dean to converse. Dean tried hard not flirt, but Dean is by nature a natural flirt. Sam stepped on Deans foot several times. Dean carefully didn’t grimace, but he did finally tone it down. Charlie apparently hadn’t noticed. In fact Charlie was ignoring the flirting as hard as he could.
Charlie was bi, in theory. He said in theory because he had no experience on which to base his claim. So while Charlie knew he was bi, it was only in theory. Charlie could have tested this theory if he had really wanted to, but women were complicated enough, and Charlie had never bothered.
When the breakfast was over and the table had been cleared Dean asked where the bathroom was. Sam followed him.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Sam accused pushing Dean against the wall.
“Have you looked at him?” Dean asked.
“I’m taken and so are you, you might remember.” Sam replied poking Dean in the chest.
“Dude, I really forgot what with you stomping on my foot during breakfast.” Dean said hotly. Sam stepped on his foot.
“I know the rules.” Dean said in a serious voice before getting loud again. “You might remember you’re the reason we have damn rules in the first place!”
Sam opened his mouth to answer but Dean kissed him and Sam forgot what he was going to say.