Secret Love Affair (5/?)

Dec 01, 2011 12:18

Title: Secret Love Affair (5/?)
Author: pakdemxet
Genre: Romance, slight angst
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung (JunSeung), Dooseung
Rating: PG - 13
Disclaimer: I own the plot :D
Summary: Hyunseung's got everything he always wanted. Money, fame, the perfect guy, but why isn't he happy?
A/N : OMAIGAD , the post was too long and LJ won't let me post it here . asfddfsjfkansduhcvcvasd fnva TT^TT so, I'm just gonna post the link(from my AFF account) here, so you guys can read it. SO SOOOOOO SORRY TT___TT


but you can comment here, please do comment and tell me what you guys think ><

sla, rating: pg - 13, pairing: hyunseung/junhyung, #fanfiction, pairing: doojoon/hyunseung

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