I don't hate you still. It was never you who I should have hated. I should have realized that a long time ago, but as you probably know according to ed, I'm "unstable". He is who I hate. And I just wanted to talk to you. You've apologized to me and I just want to get past this. I used to consider you a sister, and who knows, maybe someday we can at least just talk to each other.
obviously this is your call, but don't be mad at alexandra for telling me everything. ed should have told me along time ago, it was my business too and Ed completely denied all of that and it just helped me see his true colours. You can trust Alexandra. Wouldn't you want her to tell you, hypothetically speaking, what Shane and some girl do when he cheats on you? ed should have told me, but he didn't, he continued to deny anything ever happened. I needed to know.
hey i dont know if this helps at all, but i really miss you paula, a lot of us whitby jerks do, and i think you should come down next weekend and me u alex n chris will all hangout, like old times, cus it has been a fucking long time, n this sucks. cus i really miss you, wine has lost its taste, and the day seems dull and boring without u jumpin around bein all crazy. I miss sitting in second cup with you, and hugging u and spinning you around in the air. I really really want you to come down here, so hurry the fuck up. call me or email me or somethin ok? 905 432 7837, or the email como_estais_amigos@hotmail.com(but you already know that) or comment the ol livejournal. fucking miss you, a lot, like a lot. PAULA!
so fuck. should you maybe tell me if you're mad at me? because i don't want to start this angry livejournal thing because thats how i found out you were mad at me last time. i dont know if you're on msn right now or not or if you're ignoring me or what the fuck is going on and i dont know if i should phone you because i dont fucking know if you're mmad at me or not. im not mad at you. i dont want to do this again, after everything that has happened, i dont think fighting is worth it anymore
i don't hate anyone. i'm just sad that this happened. i wish things could just go back the way they were. you living here alexandra and you friends edward and me.
Comments 6
fucking miss you, a lot, like a lot. PAULA!
i dont want to do this again, after everything that has happened, i dont think fighting is worth it anymore
so, please.
i don't hate anyone.
i'm just sad that this happened.
i wish things could just go back the way they were.
you living here
alexandra and you friends
edward and me.
miss him.
and i wish you would talk to alexandra.
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