(i sing the adam sandler turkey song in my head every thanksgiving, even though everyone else thinks it's annoying)
spending thanksgiving in the arctic tundra massachusetts.
i need to find a name for The Plan other than The Plan. my ironic tendency wants to call it the Great Leap Forward, but i'm not sure i'm really a fan...
regardless, i'm
fairly proud of myself. history dictates that as soon as i publicly declare my intentions to eat-less-test-more, i will run off and eat everything i can find. which i did, for a few days, until i had the sense to realize that i felt awful.
note to self: there are better sources of protien than string cheese.
additional note: rice cakes? healthy. entire bag of rice cakes at once? not healthy.
but! effectively dealing with a problem is often just as good as doing the whole thing right from the beginning. i had basically made my appetite huge by feeding myself so much... so i drank lots of water. and didn't bring snacks for the train home, in which i usually Eat And Sit There. three of my blood sugars in the last two days have been well within my target range. this is small but real good news.
i even ate a smaller (read: unable to kill a small yak) portion at thanksgiving dinner. i actually got hungry again a few hours after the feast - go me. but i have to gorge every thanksgiving, so this time i gorged on
late-night bad tv.
there's this dating show on MTV called Next - there's a dater and a van full of like 5 datees. the dater can say "next" to bump the person they're with and move on to someone else... somehow money is involved, i don't know.
regardless: i was surprised to see this kooky-looking dater heading up the show. she's [name], the leader of an indie rock band, and she's "sexually dominant" and "into kinky stuff". she's also wearing what looks like a blonde bob wig and a sleeveless dress with buckles down the front. and she's looking for women.
her datees: a girl with obviously fake boobs, a self-proclaimed "hippie chick," a girl wearing a tie (but it's just sort of on, like an afterthought, over a yellow tank top), a girl in a CBGB's shirt...
the first date: a cat shelter, where the dater and fake-boobs say lots of things about, and i quote, stroking pussies. shots of the other girls in the van show them giggling about FB's rack, then grabbing each other's tits - tie-girl gets pulled by her tie, oooh! FB gets eliminated for not having political views, the dater and CBGB-girl share a kiss in the van, FB reacts to being dumped ("she was totally gothic"), and the dater hands CBGB a whole bunch of PVC clothes and tells her to put them on. tagline into commercial: "will she have to crack her whip??"
i said it out loud and i'll blog it here: what kind of absurd non-porn is this?
i mean, it was definitely scripted. the girls all looked like out of work model/actresses. the show went to great lengths to set up hotttt situations, but the whole thing was so awkward... i was seriously waiting for a chick in hot pants to show up saying she was there to fix the cable.
sigh. i am so, so thankful for the east coast sometimes.