How to Dress Like a Pop Star
The basis of this class is utterly simple (much like the mind of the instructor). Each week, the students will get a mini-lecture of helpful fashion hints from the mind of Vince Noir. Then, he'll let them loose with a theme and a vast wardrobe of various clothing items to assemble an outfit for themselves or a partner. The students will then model the outfits to the rest of the class, and Vince will cheer them on.
Simple, but fun.
[ooc: And the idea will be to encourage interaction, and not bog it down with lengthy lectures. Huzzah!]
Week 1
Introductions and Easy Tips. Theme Dressing: "Pirate Ravers".
Week 2
Retro Trends. Theme Dressing: "Caveman Cocktail Party Outfit".
Week 3
Fashion for the Future. Theme Dressing: "Suburban Spaceman".
Week 4
Accessorizing: Capes, Bangles, and Boas. Theme Dressing: "Going Goth".
Week 5
Hair versus hats. Theme Dressing: "Steampunk Clergy".
Week 6
Imitation as the Sincerest Form of Flattery. Theme Dressing: "Pop Star Reproduction".
Final Exam Week
The Final Exam will consist of a mini-fashion show, with students modeling two outfits of their own devising. Vince will grade on... Vince's easily-impressed standards.