Title: Immortal Interplay
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean; Sparrington
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I have no claim on POTC or the lovely characters who populate it, even if it seems that James Norrington has, somewhat disconcertingly, made himself quite at home in my head with no apparent plans to leave. Jack Sparrow has been dropping by at
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Comments 21
At first it hovers like a zeppelin, then with one final order shouted, the room blazes brighter, roars to life in a brief, fiery beginning cacophony as the rest of the engines engage. Then the sounds smooth out, starting out deafening and then lowering and lowering until the whole ship growls but softly and rhythmically.
That's my favourite section. It's such an evocative description, with the sounds starting out cacophonic but then smoothing out. (I wondered if you meant to leave the word 'beginning' in there, but maybe I'm not reading it right.) And, of course, that it's James causing all the fiery-ness and the growling and the rhythm-ing makes everything all the more spectacular. I don't know if you meant this ship to be the Pearl, but I would love you so much if this is her, evolved with her captain(s).
James Norrington, dressed in ragged shirt-sleeves rolled up to the elbow, and tall boots, with his dark, earlobe-length hair a sweaty ( ... )
I did struggle with that sentence, so I'm glad to hear that you like it so much. And she is, in her way, the Pearl, I think, albeit probably something like the Pearl XIII or some such.
The James-as-Engineer idea has definitely been one of my more pleasing epiphanies. It does so suit him--at least, it does given the way that I imagine his mind to work, and the idea of him sweaty, a bit wild-looking yet still perfectly composed, and running the complicated workings of a fiery engine room... well, who could resist, ay? (Not Jack, at any rate, and not me, either.) And I already had interesting ideas concerning engineers and ship-captains, from my previous, lengthy contemplations of steampunkery, so the introduction of Sparrington just made everything sort of profoundly clear as a great answer to the question "how, exactly, could one survive with two captains in one ship ( ... )
she is, in her way, the Pearl, I think, albeit probably something like the Pearl XIII or some such.
You are a rationalist, aren't you? *grin*
Indeed, you've more than satisfactorily answered the question of two captains on one ship. I've rarely come across stories in which James joins the Pearl's crew and doesn't become the 'Captain's man' (whatever that means), and that just doesn't ring true to me. Jack and I much prefer your James-as-Engineer. :-)
Yay for novels-in-the-works, and I do understand about the whims of bunnies. They work in mysterious ways.
when porridgebird pointed me over here i knew i had to check it out, because -- well -- steampunk. i love your eloquent, picturesque descriptions and absolutely adore james-the-engineer; the position suits him quite exceptionally and proves one of my theories about aus: that a really great one will reveal important things about the characters that couldn't have been witnessed in the original 'verse. hooray you!
i think i'm going to have to pop in some abney park and read this a few more times! if this is how you write steampunk then i'll be waiting (im)patiently by the bookshelves for your novel.
And you do flatter me, my dear. I'm glad you harkened to the siren song of my steampunk and that it's had such an effect on you. Recommend me to your friends. (I am not good at self-pimping. Humor me in my sad attempts.)
And I am indeed up to my metaphysical elbows in a work of original steampunk, and currently debating on whether I want to dive headlong into writing the novel format version of it, or instead challenge myself on a number of whole new levels by seeing if I can pull off writing a script for a graphic novel form. I may do both, since I'm starting to get excited enough about it that I might be capable of such a feat. I shall keep you posted.
Lovely, I totally agree with Porridgebird on "spot-on characterization and voices" You made them sound real .. HUZZAH!
"James Norrington, dressed in ragged shirt-sleeves rolled up to the elbow, and tall boots, with his dark, earlobe-length hair a sweaty mess" - I too LOVE this description of James .. Oh my!! Just HAWT!
Great fic. More please!
And my mental picture of Engine-room!James was a major motivator behind writing this. He was too delicious to quite resist.
“I’ve been told that courting you was courting disaster,” James muses. “It did not stop me, as I’m sure you’ve noticed.”
Ahhh, never change boys. Great stuff - and an interesting twist on an old theme. Nice job! :)
Will's everyone's boytoy, while Sparrington and Anabeth go are together!
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