Title: to whom it may concern Pairing: Leslie/Ben Word Count: ~2800 Rating: PGish? Timeline: Flu Season 2 AU a/n: I feel like I should put a warning for angst, so here it is: angst!
This is heartbreaking but SO well written - the angst doesn't feel forced and the characters' reactions feel appropriate. And that last scene is such a lovely happy ending!
You saying this is well written means a lot, tbh so thank you! And I'm glad you liked the ending, I kinda went back and forth about it, but it went against everything end me to not have a somewhat happy ending, ha.
You know how when you're watching a movie or a show and they do that thing where you're standing outside a window, watching what's happening from the outside with no sound? That's what this feels like. Beautiful, wonderful, amazing job. I LOVED this.
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