A raven swept over to where a group of crows had perched in a tree and said, “I feel like I've known you all my life!”
The birds had been making a loud noise but stopped when the raven approached and listened to what he had said.
Each of the crows nodded and waddled to either side to let the bird in, and I fell off of the branch and out of the tree.
On the ground I said, “Though I was born with wings, I was never meant to fly (they were meant to steady my feet)”, and so I learnt to walk.
The base of the tree was quiet, and people came to read books there. I pretended that I could read the world, and I did so from a-far.
Each day the grass would grow longer and thicker around my feet. And as the days rolled past, each child replaced his or her book with kite, and their seat in the grass, with flight.
The sun rose one morning, to my surprise. It said, “These children are the example that you seek”
So I took flight and left my reading of the world behind, under the tufts of leaves and branches, where the grass continued to grow.
And when I got into the sky, I flapped so hard, that I didn't have time to think about anything, other than remaining afloat.
Fiction's less fictional side.
Thanks to Kodi, for the concept.
X-posted with DevArt.