Player Information
Name: Ro
Timezone: EST
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terza_teabeefPlayers Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM: rubstheirisks
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Character Information
Name: Hazel Ray* Lapine *(In canon, Hazel is known as Hazel-rah by his warren, so I'm just playing on that =3)
Canon Origin/Series: Watership Down
School Year/House: 4th year/Gryffindor
Gender: Male
Age: 14 going on 15
Personality: Hazel isn't the smartest or the strongest or the wisest, but what Hazel is, is brave. In a group faced with an unknown possible danger, it is Hazel who will run their risks. He makes a good leader and is good at assessing a situation and knowing who is best suited to handle it. He's a good listener and is never jealous of those he knows are more intelligent than himself, or are stronger. Instead, he is humble enough to go to others for help when he needs it, and he almost always knows who is the best person to go to, and how to handle them. Hazel is truly a people person; others like him because he knows how to deal with them on an individual and collective basis.
But Hazel is not without his pride, and as he is often considered the leader-type, he will on occasion give in to his pride as a leader and try to impress his friends, usually by doing something foolhardy and potentially dangerous, but should it succeed, also would be quite impressive.
Hazel has a knack for taking the knowledge he has and applying it to the world around him in new and sometimes unconventional ways. Sometimes his ideas may seem strange to his friends, but oftentimes his ideas will bear bountiful fruit.
In his family, Hazel has three brothers; of those three, he feels closest to Hrair, who is the youngest. Hrair, also more affectionately known as "Fiver", is not entirely well and is given to seizures, and while Hazel doesn't always understand his younger brother, he is very protective of him. Sometimes things Fiver dreams come to pass, and Hazel has learned to listen to Fiver when and if he shares these dreams.
Brief History in Canon: In Watership Down a group of male rabbits leave their home warren in search of a new home. The reason for their leaving wasn't overpopulation, nor were they driven out by their Chief Rabbit. They left on the vague prophecy of death, given them by a small first-year named Hrair. His brother Hazel led what rabbits he could persuade away from their home, knowing little of what danger they ran from, and even less of the dangers that lay ahead of them. He led them on the faith he had in his little brother's vision, and through dangerous adventures, including a river crossing and an encounter with a warren haunted and hunted by man, they found the perfect place for their home, on Watership Down, with Hazel as their Chief Rabbit (for it was through their adventures that the others, even those older or stronger than he recognized him as their leader).
But their story just began with the discovery of their new home; when they got there, the rabbits realized that they had failed to bring females along, and that whatever warren they started on the downs would die out without kittens. With the help of a seagull named Kehaar (whom they befriended when, on Hazel-rah's suggestion, they aided him after a cat attack) they found the Efrafa warren, ruled by the formidable General Woundwort. Efrafa overflowed with rabbits, especially females who were failing to have kittens due to the overcrowding. It should have been easy for Hazel and his Watership Down rabbits to request a few females from the larger warren, but things at Efrafa were not that simple.
General Woundwort feared no elil save for one: humans. Because of that fear, he made his warren nigh untraceable by them, and the rules he laid down for this included never letting a rabbit ever to enter Efrafa territory the chance to leave. Getting in to make the request was easy for the small party Hazel-rah sent, but getting out was most difficult, and when the party returned, all but one was seriously injured by Woundwort's Owslafa (a special force of rabbit police found only in Efrafa).
So Hazel-rah formed an elaborate plan with his advisor Blackberry, the smartest of his rabbits, and Big-wig, the strongest and most impressive. With the help of Kehaar once more, and the ingenious river plan (Blackberry discovered a boat which they used to escape once Bigwig had led the females out of Efrafa, though it was a concept only he and Fiver truly understood), Hazel-rah managed to secure female rabbits for his warren.
That was not their last adventure. Woundwort, outraged at how easily Bigwig and his warren had tricked him and his own, attacked the Watership Down warren. Hazel's rabbits might have died on that day, but Hazel, with two of his fellows, freed the dog from a nearby farm and led the dog back to the warren, scattering Woundwort and his army and securing the safety of his warren for generations to come.
Background (AU!Canon; HP): (In conjunction with Fiver's history)
One of five sons, Hazel Ray Lapine was born in France and lived there with his brothers and their parents until they moved to England when he was about six years old. He still remembers some French, and continued to study it as he grew up, but as Hazel had an easy time making friends in his youth, English was much more handy, and is his preferred language.
His family moved to a rural part of England, where they established a rabbit farm. Hazel's own rabbit, as the more sociable rabbits are given to wizards and witches as familiars, he named El-ahrairah, after the rabbit hero in the storybook he and his brothers read as a child.
Hazel's time at Hogwarts was usually spent on his studies and on causing mischief. Though he doesn't exactly seek trouble out, Hazel's friends were of the more daring bunch, and Hazel led them through a few scrapes. However, Hazel easily made friends with most of his House, and being both a good listener and good friend, he has had plenty to do in the castle, and enjoyed most of his time there so far.
Hazel also spent a good amount of time watching after his brother Fiver when he started attending Hogwarts the year after he went. Hazel worries about his little brother a lot, and so has finally been convinced to acquire one of those journals so many of the students have been talking about over the past few years. Anything to help him keep track of Fiver.
Sample Interaction Post in First Person: Fiver's told me about these journals before, thought I'd finally give them a try. Not sure what to write about at the moment. I'm Hazel, hello, some of you know me and some of you I've likely seen around. I'm Fiver's brother, for those who know him. Mainly doing this so he can communicate with me easily, however I'm happy to use this to talk with others as well.
I'm writing now just to avoid homework. Well, not avoid, really. I'm waiting for someone to return to the common room. I have a question on my potions paper. Anyone good at fourth year potions?
Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: Hazel didn't fall asleep that often in his classes. He wasn't the brightest in his year, so he knew the importance paying attention to the professors, and while he wasn't shy about visiting their offices later for assistance, he did have a problem with approaching them with the apology that he had slept through their lecture and missed all the notes.
But today Hazel was nodding off in Charms, and that was not a good thing. Charms was the core of their wand magic, and today's lesson would involve summoning objects. Not the ideal class to succumb to sleep in, and didn't he know it. He tried pinching himself awake, but his fingers only halfheartedly came together, and soon enough they would stop moving altogether, protesting against his insistence in wakefulness.
Another minute passed and Hazel's eyes spun around the classroom, trying to focus on his yearmates. Most of them were taking notes, though he did notice one or two in a similar sleep state (though he had known sneaking out had been a bad idea the night before, Hazel couldn't deny there was a certain thrill to the venture...though he and his friends were paying for it now). There were enough people in the class for him to get notes from later. Raising his hand to catch the professor's attention, Hazel asked to be excused for a toilet break.
He never returned, but fell asleep in the toilet stall. He could get the notes later. It would be another thing apologizing to the Charms professor, but Hazel would deal with that after classes were over that day.