Putting this here just for reference. Found this on the BBC's Torchwood site. Most of this info is from after the point I took Martha to the island, but it's still interesting.
Staff Assessment Report
Name: Jones, Martha (M.D.)
Age: blacked out
Position: Medical Officer
File HA7879:SAR Sheet
Date of Assessment: blacked out
Ref: 098389blacked out
Assessment carried out by: blacked out
Dr Jones has been with us for six months: this is her first assessment report. She was brought to UNIT’s attention by an impeccable source, who cannot be named for security reasons: this would have been enough on its own, but we were additionally advised to seek a reference from Jack Harkness of Torchwood Cardiff, which we received. (Her cousin, Adeola Oshodi, was on staff at Torchwood London. She was one of the victims of Canary Wharf. Dr Jones was unaware of the true nature of Oshodi’s work according to Oshodi’s background checks.)
Expectations were understandably high when Dr Jones arrived at UNIT, but she has more than met them. She has an invaluable combination of skills, as in addition to being a fine medical doctor she has rare experience of extra-terrestrial life and a surprising practical knowledge of combat and espionage in spite of having had no formal training. Since joining UNIT Dr Jones has enthusiastically worked with our biological research team to broaden her knowledge and has proved herself to be a quick learner. Her fresh perspective has been of great assistance with several ongoing projects.
As part of this assessment exercise, Dr Jones was given the opportunity to set some targets for the next six months. She plans to give a paper for UNIT’s next closed WHO briefing conference regarding DNA mutations, and is eager to visit the containment site in Japan with which UNIT has lately opened a dialogue.
The one thing that struck me in the assessment (and while watching Martha on Torchwood) is the line "surprising practical knowledge of combat and espionage". I tend to forget about how her experiences during the "year that wasn't" would have changed her. We didn't really see much of that in Doctor Who, since that was the last episode, but it's obvious when we see her in Torchwood. It's something I really need to keep in mind as part of her character.
Note to self: Make some new icons from the Torchwood eps.