
Dec 01, 2015 13:01


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Comments 59

Sure I'll hug you sleepingearth November 5 2006, 10:07:07 UTC
Hey Janey. Nifty LiveJournal, lol. Well of course I want to be your friend, only if you want me to... Feel free to sneak upon two of my LiveJournals, yes I got two although the second one isn't done yet. Plus I don't mind reading your rantings, but yeah it's up to you if you want to add me.

Howdy? I'm good, and you?


Re: Sure I'll hug you likestardust November 5 2006, 10:17:25 UTC
*friends you* =)


hey there Roxanne:P imprinted_soul November 23 2006, 06:11:52 UTC
Hey, this is Roshni from hogwarts castle, and i found a link to your LJ from your siggy, so was just seeing it, and wondering if you'll let me be on your friends list and i'll add you on mine, but i must say, my blog's not one of those wow-long entries, which make you think...they're just like random ramblings, and things i find amusing etc etc...

and haha don't worry about what you put in your entries it is, your blog:)


Re: hey there Roxanne:P likestardust November 23 2006, 06:17:38 UTC
Sure :) *adds*


sparklepop777 December 14 2006, 19:02:15 UTC
Hey Janey! It's Sparkle from Hogwarts Castle! Friend me if you want!!! :D


likestardust December 14 2006, 19:03:53 UTC
Of course! The more the merrier, am I right? ;)


fransta_oddbean February 15 2007, 16:41:35 UTC
Howdy! =D

No idea, how you found me, but you think Jess & Kris are love, so I thought I'd fiend yee, hope you don't mind x]

Hope to speak soon
Fran x


likestardust February 15 2007, 22:11:27 UTC
Lol, I used to be xxxlegacyxxx, and you were on my friends list. I still look at the friends pages on that LJ.

*friends back*


vintagememories March 26 2007, 16:36:05 UTC
I'm adding you, it's Sam from charmed-boards.

By the way, how do you get the friends only post to stay at the top. I've no idea how to do it.


likestardust March 26 2007, 17:27:37 UTC
Hey Sam =D I'll add ya back

You backdate the entry. Basically, edit the date of the entry to, say, October 29th 2008 (Mine's on that) and when that date passes just make it later (Like November 20th 2009, etc.). Hope that made sense :-p


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