RP Application

Sep 20, 2011 00:30

Player Information

Name: Trevor
Contact: Email: tophbox@ymail.com, AIM only on request.
Characters: None.

Character Information

Name: The Doctor
Journal Name: likethefez
Fandom / Series: Doctor Who
From When: Post "The God Complex"

Function: The Doctor is known throughout all time and space in a legend. He is described like fire and like ice, the heart of the sun; his name, to many, is feared or looked on through awe or wonder; at other times it's just a whisper crossing the expanse of the universe or a flickering light. But as he's continued traveling, for almost 1000 years now, the stories have spread far. He affects entire worlds, entire civilizations through his travels, saving and defeating, and because of the stories people have begun to fear him. Name him as a warrior, a great defender; stories sending and growing across time. Stories ranging from an entire armies turning and running to just the word of his name, "The Doctor", entire worlds trembling, his countless adventures known throughout the universe; some planets definition of "The Doctor" even being changed by him to mean "Mighty Warrior". He's even raised up an entire gigantic army, leading them, with just the mention of his name for those who are in debt to him all throughout time.

He is a Time Lord, the last of his kind. A race so powerful it is said they simply stood and watched as time passed by; holding the infinite secrets of the universe and the temporal schism. But there was a great war against a terrible enemy and the Time Lords fell, not by their enemy, but by the Doctor who was forced to seal them off to burn forever with the Daleks to save the whole of the universe. The Doctor destroyed his people and from then on wandered the galaxy alone, the Lonely God.

Because of these stories I feel it would be infinitely compelling to have him brought on to this war based on them, though despite all of it he is completely against violence. He's the type of man who would stand there after a man shot his daughter and hold a gun out to the killer's head before throwing it to the ground, emotionally stricken, and telling the rest of the people, "I never would. Have you got that? I. Never. Would. (stands) When you start this new world...this world of Human and Hath...remember that! Make the foundation of this society...a man who never would!" and tosses his gun to the side. Even despite the dangerous situations he gets into, he never carries a weapon, always trying to help, to save, though is a bit darker in his new regeneration, more prone to being reckless.

Preferred Side: Either or.

Abilities / Powers: Despite being perceived as a "Lonely God" throughout the series due to the stories and timeless abilities of the Doctor, he is simply a brilliant man with a mad box that takes him all across time and space. His abilities range through psychic (being capable of sensing things as well as sharing thoughts/emotions/memories via touch), he can speak almost every language, even baby and telepathically to animals, notice tiny, tiny details that most anyone would skim over in simply glancing, has the eccentric personality of someone with ADHD (while still having the weighted ghost like agony of an ageless, wandering soul) and does his damnedest to save anyone who needs it. He's fantastic at pulling ideas and salvations and brilliance from his ass and The Doctor, as a Time Lord, can also "cheat death" with their ability known as "regeneration". This serves to change every single cell in their entire body as they are dying, renewing him to health, but at a great cost. As they change, the tenth Doctor (tenth regeneration) described it as another man being born and walking away with all your memories. Notably, I will not use regeneration in the game and am very approving of the death system (so much potential development, love it.) He has an uncanny ability to sum up an impossible situation and pull people, enemy, men, women, alien, from the heart of the fire and out again with nothing but a sonic screwdriver (a device that can "unlock" atoms as well as doors, programs, technology), a goofy grin, and a bad bow tie.

Personality: The Doctor is nothing if not impossible. He's seen throughout history, the "Oncoming Storm", the "Destroyer of Worlds", the "Lonely God", names and myths that have been passed down through time and space in the crevices of books and even along the tongues of fairy tale. He has destroyed entire races of civilization and always seems at the center of the storm of death. He is a Time Lord, the last of his race, the last of the great species that could look into the heart of time itself and know where and when all should come to pass. But in reality, he's not a god, a ghost, nor a mystical being. He is a man, in so many ways, cold and lost and sometimes oh so dark and oh so angry but genuinely, terribly kind.

It is actually very difficult to describe the Doctor. Impossible to get it down right entirely, but in so many words he is a being that has lived for almost a thousand years and has, time and again, lost everything he's loved and yet still he fights for good. He travels alone and when he does find a companion for his journeys it's on the spur of the moment, everything running from place to place to place without stop; a never ending journey of excitement, adventure, danger, the entire universe at their feets. But when it does stop, when they do leave, or die, or something happens it always ends with him being alone once more. The man carries this weight, the loneliness, the darkness, the guilt; not just of them but his lost race, of everything that's been lost because of him, and in a way it defines him. Rather than it turning him, twisting him to darkness it only made him kinder. The Doctor seeks to help, to do whatever he can to make peace between anyone he comes across, anyone in need. "The Doctor", a word for a wise man and a healer, something he conveys with heart wherever he travels.

He's a bit colder than his previous regeneration as well a touch more "human". Stronger in the sense people or creatures can end up dying and he still focuses for the big picture and not be as emotionally devastated by their loss. His stance on life is something more strict, detached; he does what's necessary when it comes down to it but holds the same principal core, holds the same desperate compelling desire to do what he can, to help people, to explore the universe, look on it and experience it and every being and creature that comes along for the ride. The Doctor loves travel, not just because of his uncanny insight into the universe or his desire to see it all and marvel in it, but too because of that weighted guilt he holds so close, always at the edge of the surface. As mentioned before, he's more cold, able to pull himself from the fires of his mind and shut down if necessary, but still, he always runs. Runs and runs and runs because if he should ever stop running, if he should ever pause and look and really think about all he had lost, all he had seen taken from him or he himself had destroyed he would go mad; something, in his last regeneration, that actually came to pass.

He's terrifying and a bit mad, he's weighted, ancient, old, completely and fantastically brilliant, but he's also eccentric and energetic in a lot of ways. Actually, very, very eccentric in this new regeneration. The man has a sort of ADHD that comes hand in hand with his brilliance, often while thinking away, his brain moving and shifting against ideas and possibilities he can't focus entirely on more than one thing at a time--missing, at times, the most obvious thing that's in front of him. At other times he's talking about all kinds of things at once, moving from subject to subject as if the balance of the world has become unhinged. He appears terribly young and sometimes has very boyish antics, but in reality is anything but, at his core, anyways. As it stands the man is able to enjoy himself, beaming like a little kid, at roasting a marshmallow over a camp fire just as much as enjoying himself, beaming like a little kid, to looking out the encompassing fields of two golden sun, hitting an impossible array of fiery red crimson mountains. He can drop out of the sky and land on your doorstep to change your life forever or drop out of the sky on your doorstep and change everything, for the worst, somehow always caught up in impossible, dark, and desperate situations; answering distress signals and doing his best to watch out for the protection of earth or whoever needs it.

This regeneration is also, again, notably a bit colder. While his tenth regeneration would have talked through everything, always giving chances, always doing his best to reach all sides to the point of self-destruction, this one is a little more quick to sizing up an enemy and taking necessary actions. Sometimes people do die; in fact a race that had secretly enslaved the human beings on earth (by post-hypnotic suggestion over centuries) he sent on the verge of extinction by tricking them into telling him, "you should kill us on sight", recording it, and playing it on the moon landing video which in turn would be seen for countless generations; thus using that post hypnotic suggestion against them. In other words, every time a human being who had watched this video and saw a member of that species, child, adult, or otherwise, would kill them without even knowing they'd done it; virtually making this species on the verge of extinction. His tenth regeneration, notably, would act on such a measure but only if no other alternatives were at hand and only after giving them other options, another chance. This in no way makes the Doctor a soldier, heartless, or cruel. In a lot of ways it makes a man who has lived for too long and still, to this day, strives to protect everything, knowing his limits and what he can and cannot handle.

History: http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Eleventh_Doctor

Sample Journal Entry: Only the text portion: http://sixwordstories.livejournal.com/62804553.html

Sample RP: (Sorry if this is a bit sloppy; please tell me and I'll write up something else. Also, sorry it's both with River, honestly, love other characters just as much and even more; just sort of an idea I wanted to mess with.) http://likethefez.livejournal.com/756.html#cutid1
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