results: challenge eight, round nine

Apr 28, 2013 21:36

Thank you, voters! Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to one iconmaker this week.

Banner-maker this week is a_fast_machine.


absolutelybatty with +3 (tied & re-voted)
I'm sorry to see you go! Thank you for participating, and I hope you stick around for voting. :)

Members' Choice:

naive_astronaut with -3 (tied & re-voted)

Mod's Choice:

Interesting composition, with the crop to the left and cut off while the text is doing the same thing on the right. It really highlights the tension also present in the cap/scene. Lovely coloring as well!

( - ) = a favorite or 'positive' vote
( + ) = a least favorite or 'negative' vote.
(+ comment) = a comment not counting towards your score.
Votes count against each other.
If your icon number only has a zero, you received no votes.
A lower number is a better score.

01. -3 = -3 (+ comment)
02. +3 = +3
03. +3 = +3
04. 0 = 0 (+ comment)
05. -3 = -3
06. -1 = -1 (+ comment)
07. +1 = +1 (+ comment)

Comment with your icon number to get your votes. Let me know if you'd like my reply screened or unscreened.

r. 9 challenge eight, results, round nine

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