results: challenge nine, round nine

May 05, 2013 22:45

Thank you, voters! Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to one iconmaker this week.

Banner-maker this week is tonicangel.


wickdshy with +3
I'm sorry to see you go! Thank you for participating, and I hope you stick around for voting. :)

Members' Choices:

geckoholic with -3 (thanks! ♥)

Mod's Choice:

I like the soft colors, and how the text is clear but not overwhelming.

( - ) = a favorite or 'positive' vote
( + ) = a least favorite or 'negative' vote.
(+ comment) = a comment not counting towards your score.
Votes count against each other.
If your icon number only has a zero, you received no votes.
A lower number is a better score.

01. +2 -1 = +1
02. -3 = -3
03. +3 = +3
04. -2 = -2
05. +2 -1 = 1
06. +1 -1 = 0

Comment with your icon number to get your votes. Let me know if you'd like my reply screened or unscreened.

r.9 challenge nine, results, round nine

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