Blah. Something incredibly pollen-licious bloomed on Saturday, and it hit me like a sledgehammer. My head is full of fluidy goodness. Or badness.
There is so much going on that is somewhat secret that I can't tell anyone about, but I can tell my LJ and its faithful readers. And I am itching to tell.
Easter with the Gilbert fam was great. Not awkward like we were worried, with a distressed Laurie. She was very cheerful, and emailed me later to say that she was happy we were there and it went much better than she worried it would. We did have one major snafu: It hailed golf balls, and my car now has $1500 of damage, including a broken windshield. Thank God insurance is paying $1000.
Laurie says Matt has been working 60-80 hours a week since he got a raise about a year ago. He has retreated further and further into his job, until he came home one day and basically said "We don't have a relationship anymore. I'm outta here." So... basically, I think he's messed up and in some sort of depression/denial, and it's probably good for her to get out of it if he isn't going to get help (which he isn't). They made a date for a "what do we do next" rendezvous on Wednesday night. Matt couldn't make it, so they rescheduled for Thursday. Again, he couldn't make it, so they met on Saturday. They apparently had enjoyable conversation, and Matt said "We're having such a good time, let's not ruin our night" and didn't talk about "It". Laurie says she realized when she got home (alone) what a ridiculous idea that was. So. That's where it's left. I think they may be getting together again this week.
In other news. Todd is LOVING his classes this semester (except for the whole homework and exams thing, of course), and is really excited about his future career. He's pretty sure he can get a job with H & R Block after just one more semester, which conveniently will put us back in Tax Season. SO, we are probably going to be leaving camp in December. As in, with at least 80% certainty. If I get a job in the area (which I am still very much in the running for), we will probably move to Seymour, 10 miles away with an H&R Block. Todd will work there from January-April, then we will move to Indy next summer.
However, if I don't get a job in the area by mid-May this year, I'm going to start looking for a job in Indianapolis. I'm not quite as sure how that plan will work out, but it will involve me moving in with Todd's parents (or, hmm, maybe Laurie!) for a little while, until Todd finishes up here. As I see it, we will not be buying a house or renting an apartment until one of us has a job.
So, there are big changes ahead. I would say the likelihood that we will be in Indianapolis by June 2007 is about 95%. This is about 2 years earlier than we thought it would happen, which is a little scary, but also exciting.