And then the little man told me before he died "When one understands power, one understands the fundamentals of the world in which he lives. With strength comes fear and respect, and with those two things comes control. The Germans used it against the Jews, Sadam used it against his own people, and it's been used in many many countless more places and scenarios. Such was with communism in Russia, communism not in theory. Millions of African's were sold off by there own people just as people then controled their slaves in America. There is an overabundance of examples, all of which illustrate the point. Rather, it should be said fear (or respect if need be) is what moves one ahead in the world. The principle of it is not so that the image of oneself is heightened, but so that the end may be attained. The merciless rule out the weak. Survival of the fittest. It's all the same shit."
And I said to him, "It is quite funny how you speak of achieving your end through such means. Did the people of India not stand up with courage as the British beat them with their sticks, and shot at them with their guns? Where did it get them in the end? In the end the British eventually stopped imperialism in India. What is attained from this power you speak of? Certainly you lived your life in pursuit of some comfort, some happiness, after all is this not what we all strive for? You tell me that in order to get through your life, you used power to control people to get what you wanted? This brings you hapiness? I raise you yet another question. What is the difference between power and manipulation?"
"Ahh. Manipulation is a form of control. It is selfishness personified. Certainly you, Mr. Pacifist have not ever once controled anybody for anything you ever of any sort desired? I think any single human being that has ever had a single belief has done so."
"No man is without sin"
"Easy now. What is your definition of sin? A wrongdoing perhaps? A mistake on the behalf of human nature? Does it not astonish you how thousands starve at the mercy of some distant king on a throne? Everyday in our society we witness big factory owners paying their workers (slaves) three measly shillings a week, while their fat pockets fill up with materialistic satisfaction. There is equivilant satisfaction in masterbation. But face it, there is so much sin in our society that one could never go to enough confessions to cover it all. You take that worker and you somehow rise him amongst the ranks of his peers until he becomes wealthy in a bath of apathy, and do you see him complain? He will always complain, but he would never refuse the oportunity to work less hours and have whores give him sponge baths. Did it not take a certain amount of control to get to where he is? If you say no you are lying."
"It looks to me like this man should re-evaluate what he deems important from life. I've always been a family man myself. Love is all I need to guide me. When you say though that the "weak" are controlled, I believe it to be because they have no ambition to become powerful, because in their hearts they are like lambs. They give their wool and milk, and their are other's who are simply not satisfied. They must have their meat. Those people, those people are a different kind of animal. They are simply Pigs. And there are also dog's who work without questioning for the daunting porkchop on legs. They aspire to be powerfull, they are yet amongst another rank of power thirstiness. There are those with the need for power and those without. It is unfair to call those without this need weak individuals."
"It takes a certain degree of skepticism to be ambitious," he replied. "People who place general trust in others get jaded. It's easier to be cynical than be the contrary. In everyday life you control other people. Imposing beliefs are a form of control. You would be slighted to fathom even the beginings of manipulation. You are right though, the weak are controlled because of the evilness of other's. It is not right for others to capitilize on the weakness of other's, but it penetrates ever pore of our miserly exisiting lives. There is no getting around it. Not all are good. It's a dog eat dog world. Until you pull your head out of your ass, you will fail to realize that there will always be a person who will steal from you first chance he gets, a man who will always be willing to stab you in the back for his next meal. You adknowlege these people exist, yet you do nothing to shield yourself from it. You allow yourself to be taken advantage of, and justify it?"
"Those who strive for power do not have a certain degree of fear themselves? Fear of never being able to find hapiness within themselves? Look within instead of looking without and you will find what you really need. I justify nothing, only clarify. To those who hurt me, I say there is good within them. They just don't know where to find it."
"In my 78 years on this earth, and as I lay in this deathbed I tell you of what I have learned. And in the end it can not influence a stubborn person such as yourself. Is being stubborn a strength or a weakness? In the face of what I have just told you it is a strength. You have resisted manipulation. You have resisted control. In your beliefs you view human nature with nievity, but you are part of the order of things. Nothing is set in stone, but there will always be order. With order comes disorder. Disorder is beautiful. Understand control, even if you are not to use it on other people, on this system we have created for ourselves. Perhaps I was too brash in using the word power? Yes, I was. But nontheless, understand it and how it is used. When one understands power, one understands the fundamentals of the world in which he lives."